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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"The one thing I hate most in this dark city is all the darn secrets"

"Ahhh, the inner wall. I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece" Katara says looking through the window of the Earth-bended train.

"Hey! Don't jinx it! We could still be attacked by giant, exploding Fire Nation tanks. Or find out the city's been submerged in an Ocean full of killer shrimp" Sokka explains.

"You've definitely been hitting the cactus juice again?" I raise a brow at him.

"I'm just saying, weird stuff happen to us"

I look to my side to see Aang looking at the window, closing his eyes sadly.

"Don't worry, we'll find Appa" I say grabbing his arms softly squeezing them.

"It's such a big city"

"He's a giant bison. Where could someone possibly hide him? Oh"

Our 'Car' passes through the inner wall and enters the vase, enormous city. Ba Sing Se stretches almost as far as the eye can see, riddled roads and building all over. Our 'Car' comes to a stop at the monorail station. We disperse from the 'Car' and are greeted with a beautiful view of Ba Sing Se.

"Back in the city, Great/Back to security, Great" I and Toph sigh

"What's the problem you two? It's amazing!" Sokka says.

"Just a bunch of walls and rules. You wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days"


Aang looks at the bison whistle resting in his palm. He brings it to his lips blowing.

"I'm coming for ya buddy. He's here, i can feel it"

"Hello" A chirpy says behind us making me scream and jump up into Aangs arm.

"Sorry your highness. My name is Joo Dee. I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar and Princess around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara and Toph Beifong. Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?" Joo Dee says bowing at us.

I come down from Aangs arms looking at her weirdly. What is wrong with her.

"Yes, we have information about the Fire Nation army that we must deliver to the Earth King immediately" Sokka say smiling.

"Great, let's begin our tour. And then i'll show you to your new home here. I think it will to your likings" Joo Dee turns around and attemps to lead us.

"AAUGH!!! Maybe you missed what i said. We need to talk to the King about the War, it's important" Aang says to her.

"You're in Ba Sing Se now. Everyone is safe here" We look so confused at Joo Dee's statement.

As the carriage goes through the streets, i don't pay attention to what Joo Dee is telling everyone as i feel the presence of a family member in the city, it's far, towards the palace, and it's not Aunt Okimi, it's someone else. We soon come towards the cleaner and calmer side of the city.

"This is the middle ring of Ba Sing Se,home of the financial district, shops and restaurants plus the University" Joo Dee smiles again.

"Yeah, we met a professor from Ba Sing Se University. He took us to an ancient Library where we discovered information about the War that is absolutely crucial for the King to hear!" Sokka yells.

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