Part III: Into the Inferno

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

After flying for only so long do I decide to look ahead and see it at its peak, Sozin's Comet, it streaks over the ground, its red energy destroying the clouds in its path, it's unbelievable to think that when I was younger, I always admired the comet but now, I have a strong distaste for it

"Zuko don't worry, we can take Azula" Katara says but that doesn't seem to be what's worrying him

"I'm not worried about her, I'm worried about Aang, what if he doesn't have the guts to take out my Father? What if he loses?" Zuko asks

"Aang won't lose, he's going to come back...he just has to" i frowns hoping that he and Jian are safe

"Mio, do you know where Jian was heading to before leaving?" Katara asks but I shook my head

"No...but if he needs me, I'll know how to get to him"

Getting to the palace, looking down below do I see the Fire Lord being crowned in the great arena, ducts of waters streaming on both sides of the large areas with little to no witnesses except the Fire sages. Azula kneeling at the top of the plaza steps, wearing the Fire Lord robes and with her armour no doubt underneath. The leader of the sages holds the Fire Lord diadem above Azula's head, starting the little ceremony off, where are her friends?

"By decree of Phoenix King Ozai, I now crown you Fire Lord..."The sage pauses as he looks up making Azula turns her head to him

"What are you waiting for? Do it!"
Azula yells

Katara reigns Appa in and makes him  land in plaza's courtyard, startling all around and Zuko quickly jumps off him, addressing Azula

"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today, I am!"

"You're hilarious" Azula laughs but the tone in which it does, doesn't seem right...somethings off

"And you're going down"

I state while staring her dead in the eyes before climbing off Appa, the fire sage goes on to crown Azula but she raises her hand, signaling him to stop

"Wait, you want to be Fire Lord fine, let's settle this, just you and me brother. The showdown that was always meant to be, Agni Kai!" Azula yells maniacally

"You're on." Zuko states which baffles Katara

"What are you doing? She's playing you, she knows she can't take us all together so she's trying to separate us" Katara frowns at my brothers decision

"I know, but I can take her this time" Zuko says full of courage

"But even you admitted to your Uncle that you would need help facing Azula" Katara says and I smile a bit at her worrisome

"He knows Katara" I start off causing her to direct her attention to me "But there's something off about her"

"Miozomi is right, I can't explain it but she's slipping, and this way no one else has to get hurt"

She nods at us both as we step aside for my two older siblings to face off

"I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother" Azula says cheekily while taking off her garment, leaving her in only her armour

"No, you're not"

Azula smiles and takes a stance to which looks a bit awkward but non the less, it began. She spins and thrusts her palm out, shooting a large blast of her flame at Zuko to which he dodges, jumping forward and brought his arms down in front of him, bending two waves of flame in each hand that come together and shot them forward. The side as the blue and orange/red flames collide into a wall of pure gold! My eyes widen ever so large from this display in front of me, good vs evil, only time will tell which would win

As the flames distinguish, Azula leaps forward, creating a jet out of her flames and kicks forward, shooting blasts of fire. She performs three spinning kicks, sending out a wave of fire, enormous blue and orange/red everywhere and I'm sure the whole city can see it just from this point. As the blue flames attacks, another catches on fire. Zuko punches forwards, releasing a powerful stream of fire causing it to collides with a stream of blue flames from Azula, and both attacks push against each other for a moment before slipping to one side.

Out of fear, I clutch Katara's hand firmly in fear of one of them getting hurt which at this point it inevitable, she hold my hand with her other and rubs soothing circles on the back of my palm to help me feel less tense

"It's going to be okay Mio, none of them are going to get hurt" she whispers to me, not taking her eyes off the scene in front of us

"I hope your right" I mutter but can't seem to get over this racking feeling in my head, as if something is about to attack us from our current position

Zuko continues his blast of fire while keeping enormous blue flames on his other side at bay, slowly sliding backward as both he and Azula halt their attacks, Azula looks back at the plaza behind her, which has caught on fire evidently from Zuko's attacks. She turns back to Zuko, eyes filled with rage, anger and fear, with no means of holding back she charges forward and leaps upward on a blast of fire, swinging down at Zuko. Just before the attack hits, Zuko spins his body in a circle and thrusts his palms out to the sides, creating a wall of flame that splits the blue fire in half.

The flames die down, and all I see is  Azula, crouching on the ground, panting heavily but before she gets herself up, there are masked men coming from the sides, holding two people with them over their shoulders, the air in my throat cuts short as I realise who those individuals are

"...Aunt Okimi..J-Jian" my voice breaks at this. There lays my cousin and aunt, hanging from the bodies of these unknown strangers, looking unalive, the men in the weird mask began to move forward as if getting reading to attack

Azula laughs like a complete maniac and points at me with an evil glint in her eyes, something I've never seen her do with me before, i turn to Katara and give her pleasing eyes to which she furrows her brows at me, looks to see what Azula is doing and back to me

I don't whisper is fast enough before a lighting bolt is shot at me causing me to scream out in pain, before she can try to help, I push her away with a blast of flame, not enough to hurt her but get her away and yell at her to run to which she listens and runs down the stairs well, away from me. Collapsing unto my knees I try to stand but a strong grip hold me on my knees and forces me to face them, there I face the eyes of someone I'm not sure is even human, he's eyes are as cold as the icy sea, strong, firm grip on my head makes it hard for me to move, I faintly hear Zuko call for me before they are over taking my screams from him.

"Well well well, if it isn't the famous lil dragon I've eard so much bout! Ha! Your kinda small for a big shot ey' girl of the infamous avatar too" He's voice is so deep and slightly Scottish? What is going on, I try to move but he nods at him men to restrain me with metal cuffs

"Oh don't be so surprised water scum" Azula yells from down below, my captor drags me unto my feet, jumps down and land in the sideline of the plaza, making me face the scene in front of me, Jian looks to be half asleep, badly beaten up but not as bad as Aunt Okimi, she doesn't seem to be breathing at all, I try to listen for a heartbeat but no sound can be heard from this distance

"Oh no" my voice comes out raspy, what is going on here!

"This fine gentleman over there and his colleagues have been so generous to me in helping me gain more and more power over the coast of the whole nation" Azula says while walking forward and signaling for them to hand her Jian to which they do and she raises him up to his feet, ignoring his groaning "oh stop your wining you peasant! You see....i always wondered why father was so angry and vexed over the fact Miozomi possessed the powers of the dragon, was it because he didn't have them himself, or was it because it's been mostly passed down to women, or was it because whoever possesses this power is doomed to cause way more havoc and destruction than planned, who knows...all I know is if not properly trained in mastering such abilities, they can be controlled, just like any other dragon, they follow a master and these gentlemen right here"

What is going on...

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