𝖲𝗉𝗈𝗈𝗄𝗒 𝖲𝗐𝖺𝗆𝗉

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"I hate a lot of things. Mud, swamp. Color brown and spiders. So please keep all those away from me"

It's a slightly gloomy, slightly bright day. After leaving Omashu...I mean New City of Ozai, we flew east off the coasts of the kingdom to a deserted plane. I notice the clouds in the sky getting lower and lower so i raise my head up a bit to see Appa actually going down. I guess I'm not the only one that noticed

"Hey are you taking us down for a reason?"

Aang's been leading us to a remote, quiet swamp that looks alive and deserted at the same time. It looks so creepy and scary all at once

"Huh, What?" Aang responds confused

"Why are you taking us down" Sokka asked again

"What? Oh I didn't notice"

"Are you noticing now"

"Something wrong?" Katara asks

"I know this is going to sound weird but I feel like the swamp is...calling me?" Aang responds

"Is it telling you where you can get something to eat?" Sokka groans

"No, I think it wants us to land there" Aang says

"No offense to the swamp but I don't see a place to land" Sokka shoots back

"I don't think so...Bunmi said to learn Earth Bending, I would have to wait and listen and now I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?"

"YES!" Sokka yells at him

"I don't know, there's something ominous about that place" I say uneasy as i go over gently to sit by Aang's side

Momo begins to chitter making me cuddle him as Appa groans

"See, even Appa and Momo don't like it" Sokka says

"Okay, Okay, since everyone feels so strongly about this...Bye swamp"

Directing us to the opposite side, a strong breeze from nowhere blew by us making me turn around and came face to face with...

"TORNADO!" Katara yell out pointing at it

"You better throw in an extra 'Yip!' We gotta move" Sokka yells

As Aang tries to divert us away from the Tornado, we end up being caught into it. As it bears down on us, I hear a yell of help to see Sokka being thrown off the saddle and Katara grabs his hand but also begins to slip, I detach Aang's arm from me and quickly grab Katara's hand before also slipping. Aang creates a protective air bubble to keep us from flying away but unfortunately the bubble evaporated and we are thrown off Appa and into the swamp.

Katara and Sokka land in the waters, as I was about to fall into the water an arm wraps around me, gently landing in the water. Since I'm really short the water covers almost my whole waist 

The swamp is scary with little life in it apart from the big trees, lakes, and even a few birds.

"Wait, where's Appa and Momo?" I ask looking around

"Appa! Momo!" Aang calls out running off to look for them

Katara and I notice something something on Sokka

Katara and I notice something something on Sokka

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