𝘊𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘻𝘺 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

After another trip, we finally made it to the earth kingdom. How nice, not!

"Guys I present to you the great kingdom of Omashu" Aang says pointing at a valley infront of us. A walled city rest on top of a huge rock. The city is even more magnificent as I thought it would be when I used to read about it back in the palace

"This is so cool" I said staring at the large structure

"Yeah it is, I used to come here all the time to visit my friend Bumi" Aang informs us

"Wow. We don't have cities like this in the South Pole" Katara tells us in awe

"They have buildings that don't melt" Sokka swoons which make me feel bad for them, always in the ice, never having the chance to explore

"Well let's go slow pokes! The real fun is inside the city" Aang launches himself into the air and lands farther down the hill.

"Wait Aang, it could be dangerous if people knew you where the Avatar" Katara says

"You need a disguise" Sokka adds

"So what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache" Aang ask us

"Well" I say turning my eyes to Appa, I grab abit of his fur and make a fake mustache and beard for him. I slap his hand away when he tries to scratch it

"But it's so itchy Zomi" he said before turning to Appa "how do you live in this stuff" he asked his bison who just groans in response

"Great work Mio, now he looks just like my grand father" Sokka yells is and I reply with a small 'thanks' giggling

"Technically he is a hundred and twelve years old" Katara add

"Now let's get to skippin, young whippersnappers! The big city awaits" Aang says in an old accent

"Wait let me do a quick change" I said going into my bag of clothes and changing to an Earth nation dress 'Suki' from Kyoshi gave me before we left

"Wait let me do a quick change" I said going into my bag of clothes and changing to an Earth nation dress 'Suki' from Kyoshi gave me before we left

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"Okay, I'm ready" I said as I come back from changing

"Oh my goodness, you look so pretty " Katara says admiring the simple dress

"Thank you" I giggle while picking up a basket of flowers "now let's get going"

I said making the boys snap back to reality as we begin our little journey with Aang walking beside me, as we approach the gates of Omashu

"You look good Zomi" Aang comments, staring at me which causes my cheeks to feel plush

"Thank you love" I tell him, pecking him on the cheek and walking abit ahead to get to the gates faster

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