𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖠𝗏𝖺𝗍𝖺𝗋 𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗍𝖾

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"We journey to a new place, we only hope that we are getting closer to defeating my father"

I was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about a beautiful peach and red coloured gown I got when suddenly my dream changes and I'm somehow pulled into a dream with Aang in his Avatar state, and he doesn't look nice, The avatar state Aang begins to attack the calm. Aang and I, let out a little scream jolting up from the dream state, I look to my side to notice Aang climbing up the ladder in the boat.

"Aang?" I worryingly got off my hammock and followed him, trying not to wake the others

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask standing by his side

He just stares over the Ocean.

"Nah, it's just a nightmare. I was in the Avatar state, but I was outside my body watching myself. It was scary, I was scary and you where there, looking at me with so much fear, I hated it" He said as I just hug him closely with my head on his shoulder and stare over the waters.


It was a bright day and the sun was shining as we stood on the deck of the ship with several other men from the Northern Water Tribe and Master Pakku.

"Katara, I want you to have this, it's an amulet containing water from the Spirit Oasis. The water has unique properties. Don't loose it" Master Pakku said giving her a small triangle-shaped amulet bottle.

"Thank you, Master Pakku" She said bowing to him, walking off, next Aang stepped forward and Master Pakku produces a decorated brown box.

"Aang, these scrolls will help you Master Waterbending, but remember they're no substitute for a real master" Pakku said as he Aang looks up at Katara before nodding at Master Pakku and bows, follow suit and walked over to Pakku, he reaches behind his back to give me...

"Aang, these scrolls will help you Master Waterbending, but remember they're no substitute for a real master" Pakku said as he Aang looks up at Katara before nodding at Master Pakku and bows, follow suit and walked over to Pakku, he reaches behind...

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A scroll?. I look at him puzzled, he drops it into the palm of my hands, bending to my height to whisper to in my ears

"It's from your Aunt, she entrusted it with me, till the time was right to hand it over to you. I hope it helps in ways none of us can help" he said as I smile really big, my cheeks hurt as I stretch out and gave him a tight hug

"Thank you!" I say with all sincerity, pulling back and bowing to him

"It's no problem at all, Your highness" he said as I give him one last smile and go to Appa's side with the help of Aang, mount Appa and wait for Sokka

"Sokka, take care son" Pakku said as he pats Sokka's back and I could feel he wasn't happy about it

"Fly straight to the Earth kingdom base to the East Of here. General Fong will provide you with an escort to Omashu. There you'll be safe to begin your Earth bending training with King Bumi" Pakku said

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