Part IV: Avatar Aang

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

Warning: (There will be a slight graphical difference towards the end, you've been warned)⚠️

Azula points to the strange men around us to which I didn't notice before "Are dragon slayers. They're payed lots and lots of money to hunt and kill dragons, especially shape-shifters here like my dear cousins, aunt and sister"

Azula fake pouts while staring me in the face before continuing her rant

"Anyways I made a deal with them, kill all the dragons you want, leave a single one for me, that being you baby sister and you can have all the money in the world, and be as rich as the kings and queens of all the nations combined" my eyes widen at this discovery

"Yes, I know, you're wondering why I would do such a monstrous thing...well the thing is, cause' I can and I want to, plus I only need to control one of the most powerful shape-shifters and others would be a hindrance in my plan, I mean, I could have kept Kharisa but she was too weak and un resourceful, so me being...well me, I do what I do best, manipulated father to have her killed, sent word out to find Okimi and have her killed but didn't find her immediately but found her secret husband, had him killed and then found her but she isn't dead, yet just barely hanging on for her dear life and there's you, Jian" Azula circles round him while the men held him back from trying to attack her, so much rage fuels him "The only male dragon in the entire world and this family, you for some reason haven't entered my grasp yet and now that you have, you just won't die. Why is that, anyways the deal is kill the others and leave Miozomi and since that's done, get rid of him and take her to the cellar"

Azula tosses Jian aside causing him to land hard on the ground, not acknowledging him anymore, Azula began to attack Katara seeing as Zuko layed on the floor harmed by her lightning blast

The leader nods off and began dragging me away, Jian yelling to be released but they injected him with something over his neck, causing him to immediately pass out. I have no idea where the full blow of energy came from but I took it to my advantage. I breathe in deep breathes and melt the cuffs on my wrists, using this to my advantage I thrust a large flame at the leader and send him flying over the plaza walls, possibly to the next one, thinking that was all I forgot about the other men around, they surround me, my eyes wide with slight fear but I quickly cover it up and run at the other men, fighting each of them off. I blast my flames at them knocking them out one by one before settling on the others, running at full speed I make my way over to Jian, the men that injected him earlier tried to do the same with me but I was quick enough and blocked them, blasting them far away from us, making sure our surrounding was clear, I raised him from the ground, ignoring his groans of pain and checked his temperature

"Oh no, your burning up" I mutter and staring at the scene in front of me

"It doesn't matter, nothing matters anymore Zomi, she killed him. She killed my father, my best friend and now I'm all alone" he says with so much grief, I shake my head in disagreement

"I am so sorry Jian, I truly am for all you've gone through but right now, I need to get you out of here"

Not letting him continue, I transform quickly and allow Nara take over, she began carrying him gently with her snout, once securing he was on safely, Nara gently flew above Aunt Okimi, havering over and took her into her arms before going for Zuko but he stopped her

"N-No, don't worry about me, get them to safety first"

With a nod, we began to fly off to the volcanic side of the kingdom, after ensuring we're safe, she dropped both mother and son on the ground and allowing me take over once more, i scouted around to make sure no one was following us but before i could get a word out, an arrow came hurdling towards me, I quickly dodged it but more kept coming

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