𝘉𝘢𝘵𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘣𝘦

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

The days go by, our journey has not been easy, hopefully we'll get more answers soon

I was lying on Appa's back thinking about sighting my aunt at the village, it was nice I guess to see her again, although she was in her dragon form. I wonder where she was heading to? I was so so lost in my thoughts that I even didn't hear Aang yelling at us about finding something, so i climbed off Appa's saddle and approached him and Sokka

"It's burned, there was a battle. Water tribe warriors ambushed a group of Firebenders" Sokka started looking down at the ground and begins to walk down it trying to interpret the signs left behind on the ground.

"The Firebenders fought back but the warriors drove them down hill" He runs down the hills as we follow eager to know what would happen

"So, what happened next" Katara asks him

"I don't know, the trail ends here" Sokka says his head down in thought as I look around and something caught my eye

"Guys look over there" I yell pointing to a boat

"Is that Dad's boat?" Katara says looking at her brother

"No, but it was from his fleet." Sokka says pausing and looking at his sister with passion "Dad was here"

As the night fell into darkness, we made camp around the boat we found earlier. I laid by Aang's side with my eyes half closed, I caught a glimpse of Sokka, wide awake.

"Sokka? Katara?" A voice asks

"Bato?" Sokka says

"Who the what now?" Aang says sleepy as I stand to my feet yawning and rubbing my eyes

"Bato!" Katara yells running up to hug the man

"Sokka!, Katara!, Oh it's so good to see you too again, you've grown so much" Bato says hugging them back

"Hi, I'm Aang and this is.." Aang was saying but gets cut off my Sokka

"Where's Dad, is he here" Sokka asks impatiently

"Rude much" I mutter as Aang chuckles at my comment and pecks my forehead while putting an arm around my shoulder making me blush

The night wind picks up, causing coldness to shook our bodies

"Come on kids it's getting chilly out here, let's go" He said wrapping arms around the siblings and nodding his head at both Aang and I to follow. After a few minutes walk we make our way into a little sanctuary filled with elder women wearing cream long dresses

"After I was wounded your father carried me to this abbey. The sisters here have cared for me ever since. Superior, these are Hadoka's children they have been traveling with the Avatar and Okimi's niece. I found them by my boat" Bato says introducing us to the Woman

"Young Avatar it is a pleasure to have you in our midst and as well as you Princess, your Aunt has said wonderful things about you, now if there is anything either of you need please don't hesitate to ask" She says bowing to us

"Thank you, it's truly an honor to be here please if there's any-" Aang is cut off by Sokka

"What smells so good Bato?" Sokka ask

"That is the perfumes and ointments the sisters craft" Bato replies

"Perfumes eh?, maybe we could dump some on Appa, cause he stinks so much, am I right?" Sokka says while Katara, Bato and I are not amused at all

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