𝖬𝗂𝗈𝗓𝗈𝗆𝗂'𝗌 𝖡𝗂𝗀 𝖣𝖺𝗍𝖾

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"I will always remember today as one of the best days of my life"

After what happened last night, the gang decided i needed to relax and rest up from the trauma both Jian and I faced. He can't return back to the palace in his state so we decided that it's best for him to stay with us until he's fully recuperated

And by Us I mean Katara

"Guys seriously we're fine" I groan as they refused to allow me Jian or I alone, literally

"No, you are not fine Mio, neither one of you is fine okay, you were shaking and crying when we got to you. If Aang hadn't calmed you down, there's no telling what would have happened to you! And Jian...dude I'm going to be honest you looked like shit when we got to you"

"Jee thanks Sokka, I'm feeling the love" he sarcastically says groaning in pain

"Here, I'll take you to one of the spare bedrooms to rest up" Katara suggest leading him out

"Sokka's right princess, you need to stay in bed, we'll leave you alone to rest" Toph and Sokka walked out of my room...except Aang

"Are you going to scold me too" I ask him softly as he lies beside me on my bed

"No, of course not. I just want to hold you" he says pulling me down so I rest my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat

"Hey, Zozo?"

"Hmmm" I hum with my eyes closed

"How would you like to go on a date with me"

I jolt up looking at him in shock

"W-What?" Really that's all I can say

"Well you've been through a lot and neither one your cousins will be available today to train you so i thought we could go on a date..." He says grabbing my hands as I face him fully

"I really like you, and I know you want to wait a while before we officially become a couple so as the Princess that you are I want to treat like that, as My Princess. So what do you say Zomi" he says bending a beautiful Fire Lilly with water and freezing it, handing it to me "Will you go out with me?" He says hope evident in his eyes

"Yes, I would love to go out with you" I say hugging him

"Great, I'll go get everything set, you relax. Our dates by 8:00pm. I'll come get you once it's time" he says lipping out of my room but not before pecking my lips and winking at me

I just sit there smiling like a fool and staring at my flower

"I can finally be happy" i whisper before looking around to notice it's around 2:30pm

"Hmmmm. What to do" I think as I notice the Dragon scroll

"Well I've got time" I mutter taking the scroll and walk towards the back garden which is seriously big

I go towards the water fountain and set up my Meditation Mat. Once it's set I cross my legs and read over the lines on the scroll before closing my eyes and concentrating on entering the Garden.

I soon feel a cool air around me and I open my eyes slowly to be met in the garden with vibrant Fire lillies.

"Wow, this place is breathtaking"

"Yes it is, although sometimes I enjoy being here alone" a voice growls at me

"What?" I turn around with wide eyes

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