𝙷𝚊𝚖𝚊! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚛! 𝖨𝖨

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"You're from the Southern water tribe! That is amazing!" Katara says in disbelief while I still stood in shock at this revelation

"Just like you" Yama smiles at Katara and Sokka

"How did you know?"

She finally confesses to us "I heard you talking around your camp fire"

"But why didn't you tell us?" Sokka asks

"I wanted to surprise you, I bought all this food today to fix you a big water tribe dinner. But of course I can't get all the ingredients I need here but ocean kumquat are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough"

As soon as she says that Aang's face merges to that of disgust while muttering words to himself

"I knew I felt a bond with you right away"

"And I knew you were keeping a secret so I guess we we're both right"

Sokka smirks at his sisters face while she silently looks like she's about to kill him which causes her to hit him

"But i'm sorry we where sneaking around"

"Apology accepted" Yama smiles and gestures for us to follow her down "Now let's get cooking"

Aang went ahead to feed Appa and Momo while i helped Yama set up the dinner table with Jian assisting. Once we finished up, we washed our hands and sat at our respective places at the dining table with Yama in the middle as usual. Sitting down with a huge bowl in front of her

"I'd stay clear of the sea prunes" Aang whispers over to Toph

"I thought they where ocean kumquats?" She says with an unreadable face

"Close enough"

The two of them stare hard at the food in disgust causing me to let out a laugh before paying attention to Yama

"Who wants 7 flavored soup?"

The five of us minus Toph raise our hands to that and then the most amazing thing happened, Yama bended the soup into each of our plates

"Wow! That's amazing" I say looking at her

"Your a Water-bender" Katara says in disbelief before staring at her "I've never met another water bender from our tribe"

"That's because the Fire nation wiped them all out" Yama began sadly looking down as if the memory was one of the most painful thing to ever experience "I was the last one"

"So how did you end up out here?" Jian ask with his elbow raised on the table

"...I was stolen from my home"

"It was over 60 years ago when the raid started" A cut of scene turns to a Young Yama giggling with a friend only to look up at the sight of soothe falling down the sky. As this happens, the two girls run up to the boarder walls to see the Fire Nation ships coming their way and catapults of fire balls being aimed at them

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