𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝-𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚛𝚜 & 𝙳𝚊𝚢𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

Walking into a beautiful and large clearing with sheep's from behind the bushes, the beautiful night sky shinning bright as the gang stood beside Appa as Sokka looked down at his map to make sure we're at the right place. I was just relaxing on Jian's back due to exhaustion

"This is it, this is the official rendezvous point for the invasion force" he announces as they all stood admiring the view

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asks

Sokka began to smile while explaining to her "Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on the map, it's uninhabited and the harbor surrounded by cliffs seemed perfect secluded place"

Jian smiles and began to walk over to a huge clearing, gently putting me down and getting out my sleeping bag and setting it up for me "Nice choice Sokka"

"Plus we're here four days ahead of schedule" Katara commented while also setting up her sleeping bag

"Wait! Four days!" Aang jumps up in shock while I yawn in exhaustion "The invasions in four days"

Sokka also yawns while i rest my head slowly upon the little pillow I have, Jian walks over to tuck me in properly before heading back to his sleeping bag which was placed next to Toph's

"Whatever, that's like..four days from now. Let's just calm down and..." Sokka cuts himself off by snoring off into a deep slumber

"Sokka's got the right idea Aang, we're here, we're ready. The best thing we can do now is get plenty of rest"

That's the last thing I heard before dosing off to sleep. I don't know how long i was asleep for but from the noise around me, it didn't seem like i could sleep any time from now cause of the sounds, like rustling of bushes so with the curiosity being the bender in me, I sat up slowly to see Aang beating up the bush. Thinking it's just my imagination due to how exhausted I am, shrugging it off, I slowly turn back around on my sleeping bag and went far into dream land

The next day, I woke up by a large rustling sound again but this time, it's day break and I can clearly see Aang punching a tree rapidly like there's no end, right in front of me, honestly i'm getting a bit worried. I turn to share a look with Katara and Jian who where obviously awake due to the noise. Jian shrugs at me and Katara just shakes her head while I get up, approaching my obvious sleep deprived boyfriend who kept repeatedly punching the tree with much more force

"Hey bubs, h-how long have you been up?" i sleepily ask while yawning

"A couple hours baby, I got a lot more skills to refine if I'm going to fight your dad" he says panting while circling the tree

"...There is such a thing as over-training" I comment with arms crossed which causes him Aang groan in annoyance before punching the tree one more time, the shock wave gets to him as he collapses to the ground in a steady position just as the tree's leaves fall on him as i feel the others peep from behind me

"You don't get it do you" Aang says getting up from the pile of leaves just to circle round me

"My form is bad, I'm sloppy and I still don't know any basic firebending"

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