𝘌𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘦 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘯?

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"My plan for the avatars escape was in full blow, but what consequence would I have to face later"

Zuko, Uncle Iroh, some guards, the avatar and I all stood at the top deck as Zuko admired the Avatar's staff.

"This staff would make a great gift for our father. I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that, being raised by monks and all" he said drifting off a bit 

 I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that, being raised by monks and all"  he said drifting off a bit 

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"Zuko" I say in a warning tone

"Okay, okay escort the prisoner to his cell and take this to my quarters" he said handing me the staff and walking off as i bow my head at him before handing the staff over to uncle before nodding at the soldiers and the Avatar to follow me to his supposed 'Cell' for the time being. We continued the walk in a comfortable silence until the Avatar broke it

"So what's your name?" He asks stopping mid way in our walk

"It's Miozomi" I said in a gentle tone before giving him a small smile, at that, a faint dust of pink flush his cheeks

"Oh that's a beautiful name" he said making me blush "I'm Aang by the way"

He grinned at me as I look sideways towards the guards

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Aang. Ahhh guards!, there's something behind you" I yell suddenly frightening the guards and Aang

"What? Where?" They ask looking behind

"Right, there" I say before hitting a pressure point at the back of their necks casing then to faint. I take the keys to the cuffs and undo Aang's wrists

"Wait! Why are you helping me?" he said getting confused

"Cause it's the right thing to do, duh" I sassily state successfully loosing the last cuff

"Thanks" he said rubbing his wrist in pain "but I still need my staff to get off the ship"

"I can't help you there, it most probably in my brothers room. Just take that passage way, turn to the right door on your left and you'll be able to get your staff" I say to him

He nods his head he speeds off but comes back, kisses my cheek and goes off again yelling a 'Thank You'

As he leaves me in a blushing mess I start head straight to my room to get a bag packed with money, some food and clothes, when I got to the main deck I hear, no, I see a big fluffy thing flying in the distance 

"Appa!" I hear Aang scream from behind me as he opens his glider to fly

"Is that a flying bison!?" I yell in astonishment. A fireball almost hits Aang and he loses his grip on his glider and he falls into the icy ocean water

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