𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖣𝗋𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗌 𝖡𝗂𝗀!

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Why did we have to come to this creepy city"

Once Aang left, the rest of us kept on walking towards the city except for Suki since she only came to make sure 'Sokka' crossed the Serpents Pass safely which I find oddly adorable. As we where getting close to the cliff side from where the city can be viewed I see something flying towards us

"Is that..."

"Aang?" Katara completes the statement for me shocked as well

"What happened?"

"Yeah we thought you where looking for Appa?" Katara asks confused

"I was but something stopped me. Something big" he said making Katara and I look share a look of pure confusion

Toph and Aang made a platform to lift us all up to see what's happening

"Now what's so big that Appa has to wait?" Sokka asks

"That" Aang responds pointing to a giant drill, making its way towards the middle of Ba Sing Se's wall

"We made it to Ba Sing Se and we're still not safe. No one is" Than says holding his family close

As everyone looks at each other in sadness I'm drawn back to when Uncle first came back home


"Ojisian!, Ojisian!" I yell from the entrance of the palace giggling and running towards him, I jump up when closer to him 

"Well hello my little flower" he says catching me and hugging me close

"How was your trip, did you get me and my siblings more gifts, can I open them, are you staying long, please do. Huh? Huh?" I say rushing my word and looking behind me to make sure father isn't close by

"Take it easy Little Blossom. Shouldn't you be with your siblings right now instead of pestering this old man" he says jokingly

He puts me down and holds my have, walking into the main palace doors

"You know how Azula gets with our play time. She prefers to spend more time with her 'friends' than me" I say pouting

"That's not true my darling, she enjoys your company. Now how's your brother" Once he says that I feel a sharp pain in my head

"Zuzu finds me annoying, he doesn't like me anymore" I mutter

"Now why would you say that"

"He blames me for Mama leaving us and says I'm a monster like Papa and Azula" I say looking down with tears falling

"No, No, No, you are NOT a monster. You are a GIFT. A gift from our past ancestors to your parents and this nation, even to the world"

I look up at him to see him on his knees looking me directly in my eyes

"You ARE the mighty Dragon, even though we don't know for sure which type you are?, you HAVE never been a monster and you will NEVER be a monster, not to me. Treasure your abilities, okay" I nod my head sniffling 

"Now clean those tears, a princess doesn't cry right? Darling... Darling... Mio, Mio"

"Miozomi!" I hear someone yell making me jolt as i realize that I'm not that sacred little girl in the Fire nation

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