𝘖𝘩! 𝘔𝘺 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"So quick recap. I left my brother to help the Avatar restore balanced to the world-and I'm freezing, yup, all set. Let's go"

At the break of dawn, the gang and I decided to start packing for our next trip, by pack I mean Katara packing all the stuff, I feeding Appa and Aang ensuring he's ready for flight while Sokka sleeps

"I can't wait till you see it Zomi and Katara, the Air temple is the most beautiful place in the world" Aang said while tightening the reins on Appa's horns

I stop feeding Appa to face Aang

"I'm sure it's lovely Aang but it's been so long, a hundred years since you where home" I said in a gentle tone

"She's right Aang, you don't know what could have happened" Katara said backing me up

"That's why I'm so excited" I felt excited about seeing Aangs home but by the look on Katara's face I won't like it one bit

"A lot could change you know airhead" I said in a teasing voice

"Well we have to just wait and see for ourselves don't we" Aang said as he floats from Appa as I continue to feed him, he walks over to Sokka sleeping bag and tries to wake him

"Wake up, Sokka! Air temple here we come!" Aang shouts making me giggle

Sokka awakens
half asleep

"Sleep now...Temple later..." he says and goes back to sleep

He rolls off and begins to snore again, Aang is clearly not pleased. A mischievous grin comes upon his face as he grabs a stick and goes close to Sokka, me and Katara look at each other before looking back at them from on top of Appa's back

"Sokka! Wake up there's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!" He said and with that Sokka gets up more like hops up and starts running till he land on his face causing Katara and I to laugh

"Great your awake. Let's go" Aang pumps his hands in the air and start the journey.


"Aang I know your pretty excited about going home but there's something you should know first" I heard Katara say to Aang in a soft voice but I knew what was going to be said

"Sure Katara" Aang said edging her on

"The fire nation are ruthless and cruel, they killed my mother..." she paused about before continuing "I just don't want you to feel about the outcome of what's to come"

Katara said ending her 'little pep talk' to him

"I know Katara but the only way to get to the temples is through a flying bison and I thought they do, or do they Zomi" Aang asked turning to me waiting for my opinion

"Well I don't really know..." I say in a soft tone drifting off a bit "But all i know is when all the war and violence happened my Aunt refused to be a part of it, she left and i haven't heard from her in years"

"Well let's turn our attention from Mio over here for a sec and concentrate on who took all my Blubbered seal jerky" Sokka said saving me from further explainations but also talking about food like seriously dude

"Oh that was food, I used that to make the fire last night sorry" Aang said replying a bit shyly

"YOU DID WHAT! No wonder the flames smelled good" Sokka said sulking as he decided to relax back

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