𝖫𝗂𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖶𝗂𝗌𝖽𝗈𝗆

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

~So, I thought our next destination would be amazing, I was wrong. Do you know why.
One word.


"I hate sand" I mutter looking at the desert

"Tell me about it" Toph says from beside me. I seriously don't know how we ended up here, in a desert, with all this sand, it's annoying

"Hey guys come take a look at this" Aang said from his position

It's also been a few days now since we ended up here, yup, we've finally reached rock bottom, a Dunes. It's just sand everywhere and I'm hoping we find a nice cool place soon or I'm gonna die. I've been saving up the remaining money I have so we can still buy supplies but unfortunately, that might not happen

"Awwww" I coo admiring the little creatures playing along to Aangs game. It's cute but I really want to leave this heat

"There's no time for Vacation" Sokka explains annoyed

"Hey, I'm learning the Elements as fast as I can. I practice hard everyday with Toph and Katara. I've been training my arrows off not to mention the few Fire bending tricks I got Zomi to teach me" Aang states

"Yeah! What's wrong with relaxing abit huh?" Katara ask Sokka with her hands on her hips

"Even if you become a Master at all the elements It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation. Should we just head west until we reach the Fire Lords house? Knock, Knock! Hello Fire lord? Anybody home? I don't think so. We need some intelligence if we're going to win this war unless someone knows a secret passage way" Sokka says drifting his eyes to me

"Not the right time" i sing to him making him growl

Aang plays one more tune on the flute as the little creatures from below appear and sing along with Aang surprising Sokka. Katara & I giggle at Sokka as Momo peeks down the hole.

Aang uses a small wind to raise himself up and unto his feet

"Alright, we'll finish our vacations and then we'll take a look at Sokka's intelligence"

Aang opens the map so one of us can peek a vacation spot

"What do you want to go for your vacation Katara" I ask looking at the map since I have no interest in taking a vacation right now. She leans towards the map studying it placing a hand on her chin.

"How about the Misty Palms Oasis? That's sounds refreshing" she says

"Oh yeah I've been there before. It's a pristine natural ice spring, and I usually don't use the word pristine. It's one of nature's wonders"


No, it's not one on Nature's Wonders cause this place looks like a total waste land. It's all broken down and empty, there's no palm trees or ice spring in the middle as it's barely visible, that's just terrible

"Must have changed ownership since I was here" Aang says sheepishly as he proceeds through the gates with the rest of us in tow.

"Ya think"

We entered a bar and the first thing I glance at is a bartender placing a tropical drink on the table, he adds a small green umbrella into the bowl before serving it to a man in a white outfit who drops what looks like an Earth Kingdom coin on the table and walks away.

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