𝘈𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘙𝘰𝘬𝘶 & 𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘭𝘢𝘯

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

Yesterday's mind talk was nice? Right? I don't think so, okay, now to get down to business.

I was enjoying my sleep when I felt the ground shaking a bit and the sound of something struggling so I got up, with tired eyes from where I was previously sleeping to see Aang trying to get Appa to leave which he is refusing to

"I think his big butt is trying to tell you something" Sokka informs Aang as Katara and I walk up behind him

"The world can't afford to loose you Aang" Katara says

"Especially me" I plead

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what that vision I saw was all about. I need to get to the Fire temple before the sun sets on the solstice which is today and no I am not taking Zomi with me, her father could get intel on her following us and lock her up in a tower or better yet arrange a marriage for her" Aang said flapping his arms around as gestures

"Don't worry about that, the temple is runned by old fire sages which half have lost their hearings and most of them are still loyal to the Avatar" I say reassuring him

"And Mio's dad won't find out about her traveling with us" Katara says making me nod in agreement

Aang nods jumping on Appa's back so he can leave, out of anger at him i fire bend a ring around him and Appa trapping them making Aang, The siblings and Appa look at me

"WE are going with you and there is nothing, I say NOTHING that will change our minds GOT IT" I say in a demanding tone towards the Aang

"Yes ma'am" both Sokka and Aang say as I vanquish the Fire

"Good" I grin hopping on Appa

"Why do you say Yes ma'am Sokka, she wasn't even scolding you" Katara asks her brother

"Well I'm sorry she's so bold with her answers" Sokka says as he and Katara join me on the saddle

"Appa yip, yip"

After what felt like hours, I look down and notice that we're about to go through a blockage


"I'm on it" Aang says swerving Appa the other way dodging the fireball

Another fire ball is launched at us and it grazes Appas fur making him growl in pain, I move toward Appa's back to the flames away from him

"Poor Appa" i say slightly petting his fur to try and ease the pain

Fire balls continue to shoot into the sky, two fireballs explode right infront of Appa making him growl again and rears up to avoid the combustion. The aches his back making Sokka loose grip causing Katara and I to quickly grab him and bring him back to us but he disappears into the clouds below.

Aang makes Appa fly lower to catch Sokka before he hits the ocean, Katara quickly grabs his hand so he doesn't fall again

The navy ships then try to shoot another fireball but I stand up straight and use my most powerful form of bending to divert the fireball to one of the ships, destroying it and making the fire I created so high so Appa can pass without the fireballs hitting us, once succeeded we fly over the blockage

The navy ships then try to shoot another fireball but I stand up straight and use my most powerful form of bending to divert the fireball to one of the ships, destroying it and making the fire I created so high so Appa can pass without the firebal...

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