𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝖣𝖾𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗒

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Okay a little recap ummm.... Aang learnt that he needs to let go of Miozomi but he obviously doesn't want to, Miozomi finally learnt how to shift to her dragon, although she can't do it all the time, that'll scare people. Katara found out that Zuko and Iroh are in the city, Sokka met his dad, Toph knows how to Metal bend now and Miozomi has been brainwashed into helping Azula take over the whole Ba Sing Se, too much sorry okay back to the story.... Again thanks to InfinityPowers for the idea on how to end this season.

🔥3rd POV🔥

Aang lands Appa infront of the house as He, Sokka and Toph ran inside. Once entering the house, Momo greets them by chattering excitedly climbing Aang's body


The heroes look around to see no trace of Katara or Miozomi

"There's no one else here"

"Them along with Jian are in trouble, I knew it" Aang states

"Wait! Someone's at the door" Toph says pointing to the door. Soon as that is said, someone knocks at the door "Actually I know who it is, it's an old friend of mine and Miozomi's" 

Toph walks to the door and slides it open to reveal Iroh "Glad to see your okay"

"I need your help" Aang, Sokka and even Momo are frozen to be infront of their old foe. Toph smiles warmly at Iroh

"You guys know each other!" Sokka asks in shock

"Mio and I met him in the woods once, and knocked him down. Then he gave us tea and very good advice" Toph explains

"May I come in" Toph nods as he walks in

"Princess Azula is in Ba Sing Se" Iroh announces

"She must have Miozomi, Katara, and Jian" Aang says

"She has captured Zuko as well"

"Maybe even Princess Kharisa"

"Then we'll have to work together to fight Azula and save them"

"Hold up, you lost me at Zuko" Sokka says

"I know how you must feel about my nephew. But believe me when I tell you that there is good in him" Iroh places his hand on Sokka's shoulder pleading

"Good inside him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too okay?"

Sokka removes Iroh's hand from his shoulder and gently shoved him away

"Katara and Miozomi are in trouble, so is Princess Kharisa and Jian. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance" Aang concludes

Sokka closes his eyes and nods his head in agreement. Aang smiles at the remark 

"I brought someone who might be able to help us"

Iroh heads outside as the others follow behind him. A bounded and gagged Dai Li agent is sitting on the porch. Toph then lifts him up by earthbending with two stone slabs on either side of him. Iroh pulls down the cloth over his mouth showing him being the same scared agent with the scar at Azula's briefing

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