𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘙𝘦𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Two years..."

That's how long I've been with my brother as a result of him being banished from our 'great' nation to go in search of the Avatar in order for him restore his honour and also so I don't get punished, severely by my father. So far it's been countless of journeys around the world, we've seen so many wonderful places, met some people along the way who do hate us for being fire benders but that's not new for us. Now we've reached what I'm hoping is our last destination..

.The Southern Water Tribe.

Azula sometimes sends me letters about how thing are back home, nothing much has changed since I left except for the fact Father wants me back home, I'm pretty sure he wants to betrothed me to someone and I will not let that happen, I'm just eleven and I feel that I deserve a right to marry who I want to be with for the rest of my life. The letters leaves me with mixed emotions but I'm sure that I would rather stay with Zuko, but something tells me i'm in for a life changing adventure. Uncle and I are above deck playing a nice Pai Sho game which he's obviously winning at, sneaky old man, i'm gonna make him pay. He makes his next move trying to take my piece but I'm faster, I took one of his instead making him groan as I giggle.

"You are lucky I let you win this round" he said giving me a childish glare

"We'll I did learn from the best, besides you always say
'A master never allows his student accomplish things without doing it themselves'". I say in his voice which sounds ridiculous so laugh

He chuckles at my childish ways, by his expression, he was going to say something but a bright blue light goes hurling into the sky, it shines brighter than the sun on a hot summer day. Believing it could be something powerful, I try to look at it more while shielding my eyes from the bright beam, maybe it's the Avatar? Zuko's yelling at Uncle again so the possibility of it being the Avatar could happen but i suddenly felt a bit light headed, using the little strength i have left, i attempted, by myself to make it down to my room but don't get very far before my legs give in and tumbled to the ground with a loud 'bang', hitting my head hard on the floor while hearing several voices around me but i can't make out who's talking.

"Someone help us, get the healer here, now!"

"Miozomi stay awake, Mioz..." A voice calls out to me but I'm going in and out of consciousness. 

After what felt like a few minutes..or hours, my eyes open slowly to the sight of myself laying on a hammock in a beautiful garden with different flowers and trees. The only odd thing is that the floor looks like soft clouds, the trees are pink and red in colour and the hammock isn't attached to anything, a bright lights shines upon my face making me cover them up with my hand. Slowly uncovering my eyes, i got down gently from the hammock into the soft puffy grass, my eyes wonder around in amazement before landing on a pair of eyes a few feet away from me but not just any eyes, the most beautiful pair of grey eyes I've ever seen in my life


"H-Hi" I stutter

'Really Miozomi, that's all you can say, Hi?' I thought giving myself a mental talk

"Hi pretty girl, who are you and why are you here?" The strange boy asks walking closer to me in a slow pace

"Oh i'm Mi...M-. i'm s-sorry i ca-" I try to say but can't get the words out of my mouth, it's like they're glueing themselves shut

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