𝖮𝗆𝖺𝗌𝗁𝗎'𝗌 𝖦𝗈𝗇𝖾

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"No matter how untouchable a city looks, it always has a weak point to where it breaks"

"I can't believe it, Omashu always seemed..impenetrable" Aang said looking at the fallen city

"Up till now, it was. Now Ba-Sing-Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left" Sokka states

"This is terrible, but we have to move on"

"No! I'm going in to find Bunmi" Aang states still holding me

"Aang wait, we don't know if Bunmi's still..." Sokka trails off

"If he's still what?"


"I know you had your heart set on Bunmi, but there are other people around who can teach you earth bending" Katara tries to reason with him

"This isn't about you finding a teacher is it" I ask Aang as his arms are firmly  wrapped around me

"No, this is about me finding my friend" He said with so much determination


Appa flies below the city, down to a sewage drainage system "A secret passage? Why didn't we use this before?"

Aang opens the cap revealing a lot of sewage goo coming out and some wash off on Sokka

"Ewwww!" I say

"Does that answer you question, come on Zomi" Aang said getting off Appa and helping me

As we continue to move into the disgusting drainage I use my red scarf to cover my nose. Aang is using his air bending to clear a path for both of us, I hear Katara water bending the water and Sokka making some weird noises way behind us

As we get to a hatch, Aang open it, jumps out and stretches a hand out for me to grab and climb out, before I stretched my hand out for Katara to take in order to get out of the sewer

"That wasn't as bad as I taught it would be" She said dusting invisible dirt off her skirt

I turn to see a figure moaning and walking towards us. Out of fear I scream and Aang immediately gets infront of me as Katara splashes water over the thing only to reveal Sokka

"Sokka! You scared me" I yelled hitting his arm

"Hey, it's not like I meant to" He whines while rubbing the spot I hit 

He raises his head fully to reveal to us purple octopus like creatures stuck to his face. Once he realizes them on his face, he screams


He grabs them and tries to get them off but they don't let go

"Aaahhhh they won't come off! Aahhhh"

Aang walks over to them and rubs them softly making them come off Sokka's face. He does the same to the other one

"See Sokka, it's just a purple pentatox" I say receiving a playful glare from him


A patrol officer calls out from behind us, Aang quickly hides, disguising his tattoos as we face the Guards with bright smiles on our face

"What are you guys doing here past curfew" One of them asks

"Sorry, we were just heading home". Katara answers and we begin to walk

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