Part II: The Old Masters!

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

By the time I woke up the next morning, I had a feeling something wasn't right but I chose to ignore it, getting ready for the day, I packed up my stuff and headed out to help out. Once everything was boarded on Appa, Sokka announced we've gotten everything ready and we could leave but something was missing, rather, someone

"No, its not" Toph says out loud getting everyone's attention, she was right

"Hey guys..where's Aang?" With no answer I ran into the house, not waiting for the others and began search every inch of the place

"Aang, baby, please where are you, this isn't funny! Aang!" I yell out but didn't get any response, getting more worried I walk into a room and see the others

"Did you guys see him" Getting no response, I walk forward only to see Sokka holding his staff "Aang?"

I spoke so lowly only Katara who stood beside me heard and tried comforting me by gently holding my shoulders "He couldn't have gone far"

"She's right sis, come on, lets search the beach"

With that they all run out but Katara and I slowly walk out with me muttering to myself and her trying to ease my worry but upon finally reaching the beach and Sokka calling his name out, no response was heard asides the footprints he left behind which ended at the water level, like he went for a swim and never returned

"This doesn't make any sense" I say walking over the beach bay and looking around

"So what...maybe he was kidnapped?" Katara questions but her brother halts that theory

"I don't think so, there's no sign of struggle" He says but Toph made a comment that really put me on edge

"I bet he ran away again"

"" I mutter walking up to her slowly "He wouldn't do that, not again, not to us, to me"

"Exactly, plus he left behind his glider and Appa" Sokka said but that didn't stop Toph

"Then what do you think happened to him, o' sleuthy one?"

Awaiting for Sokka to say something very logical and reasonable "It's pretty obvious, Aang mysteriously disappears before an important battle...he's definitely on a spirit world journey"

...That makes some sense, I think? Wait "Sokka if he was, wouldn't his body still be here?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

"Then he's got to be somewhere on Ember island, let's split up and look for him" Jian says as we all nod and did as he said but still no luck finding him, after regrouping at the house we all just concluded, he's gone, again.

"Hey, has anyone noticed that Momo's missing too" Once Toph said that I began to dramatically cry making everyone try to calm me down

"They took my child as well! Whyyyy" I cry out loud as Jian and Zuko try calming me down while the rest glare at Toph "Oops, sorry Miozomi"

"It's possible he's with Aang and us waiting here isn't going to help us find him." Katara said just as she freezes a watermelon pop she had and handed it to me which halts my crying and made me smile again, enjoying my pop as my lovely boys thanked her to which she smiled at me softly

"But we have to do something, Aang is nowhere to be found and the comet is only two days away" Zuko spoke like he's in charge

"Well Zuko, what should we do?" Katara asks as we all pause to stare at him

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