𝚆𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚗 𝙰𝚒𝚛-𝚃𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎

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~•~3rd POV~•~

"Are we there yet" Miozomi groans in exhaustion as her brother keeps walking ahead of her

"...I believe so" Zuko then gestures for her to hand over the rope he handed her earlier. As she tosses it to him, he ties it to a near by tree, making sure it's tightly secured before throwing some of it over the edge "wait here" he gives the instruction before gently sliding down till he gets to a statute of a female air nomad before completely sliding down till he gets to a solid ground just as he swings himself side to side before finally landing and admires the surrounding before getting a flashback about when he first came here with his uncle, at the time Miozomi was always told to stay on the ship for her own safety and because Zuko at the time was still nit happy with his fathers decision of allowing the young child accompany him on his journey to finding the Avatar which makes him groan remembering old memories and how much hurt he's caused the ones he loves the most

"Zuko, aren't you done!?" Miozomi yells from above

"Yeah...I am" he whispers knowing well that she can hear him before he makes his way up the rope and to his sister but pauses slightly as he hears a faint growl of an animal, an all too familiar one at that

"Appa?" Miozomi whispers just as she stares at the creature fly past where she had stood, knowing full well that he won't be able to see her all the way from where she stood

Back with Aang and the others

"So...what's the new plan since the old one blew up in our faces" Jian asks as he, Katara, Sokka and Toph stood in front of Aang who hadn't said a word to any of them since the moment they left the Fire Nation

"Well if you ask me...the new plan is the old plan" Sokka starts off "You just need to master all four elements and confront the FireLord before the comet comes"

Sarcastically the Young Avatar snaps back "oh yeah, that's great no problem, I'll just do that"

With that being said he distracts himself while playing with a little pebble

"No one said it's going to be easy Aang" Katara says trying to reason with the the young air nomad

"Well Katara it's not even going to be possible, where am I supposed to get a Fire bending teacher?"

Just then a thought came to mind "We could look for Jeong Jeong of better yet Miozo-oh right"

Katara silenced herself realising that the young princess isn't with them presently and only time would tell when next they'd see her again

Aang just stares her while muttering "yeah right" under his breathe "Like we'd ever run into Jeong Jeong again"

"Wait who's...oh never mind" Toph began but stoped herself knowing she'd never get a reply "if it's important I'll find out"

"Oh well guess we can't come up with anybody...why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?"

With that being said, Aang opens up his glider and flies off with Momo just behind him

"What's up with him?"

Sokka rubs his chin in thought "there's got to be someone who can teach him firebending"

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