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🔥Miozomi POV🔥

"And so the blazing fire question is...does the avatar need a Fire bending teacher now?"

Katara stood by my side staring at a board posted to a tree. My head was stuck in the book I was reading, not paying much attention in understanding where we are.

"This could be a guide to help us out around here" Katara states pointing to a circular board so I finally look up, realising we're close to a Fire nation town

"See if you can find a menu, I'm starving" Sokka says rushing with Aang to mine and Katara's sides by the board

"I bet we can find something to eat here!" Aang says pointing to a poster as I walk abit closer to it to read out loud

"Fire day festival, huh I forgot all about it...oh yeah. Fire nation culture exhibits...jugglers, benders, magicians and all sorts" I read to the gang

"This would be a great place for me to study Fire bending" Aang exclaimed, I guess he doesn't need me as a teacher anymore

"You might want to rethink that, look at this" Sokka says as he hold out a wanted poster of Aang for us to see

"Hey that's a poster of me!" Aang said not scared at all

"A wanted poster, this is bad" Sokka says trying to make Aang worry just a little bit about it

"I think we should keep moving" Katara says putting something on Appa

"I have to learn fire bending at some point, this could be my only chance of seeing a master up close" Aang says looking all of us more like he looks at me, who looks at Sokka, who looks at Katara

"I guess we could check it out" Katara says finally giving in

"Wait really, you all want to walk into a town...oh sorry correcting a Fire Nation Town!, where they will take all of you to my father who is...oh right the Fire Lord" I say as they all holt in their steps

"We'll wear disguises and if anything dangerous happens we leave" Katara said reassuring me but I still have my doubts

"Yeah cause we always leave before we get into trouble" Sokka replies sarcastically not that I blame him

"Yeah cause we always leave before we get into trouble" Sokka replies sarcastically not that I blame him

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"Ready disguises!" Katara says as She and Sokka pull out black cloaks. I on the other hand can blend in with my fire nation clothes but added with a simple hood and my hair firmly packed up. I turn around to see Aang's shirt over his head like a hood making me and Katara burst into a-fit of giggles

"It's like your a whole different person" Sokka sarcastically responds to Aang's new appearance

"It's like your a whole different person" Sokka sarcastically responds to Aang's new appearance

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