𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛 & 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙸

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥


That's all I see


Of the old

And the new

Of the past


And Future...

What's going on?

"Well for starters, Aang had a vision or a dream of Avatar Roku and Firelady Lilan, asking him to come over to Roku's home island. Apparently he needs to recall/see something... he was also told to take me with him when he crosses over to the spirit realm. Jian is to supervise us and make sure nothing harms us while in there if not... we'll die" I says looking at my nails while Elbearry57 rolls her eyes

"I'm going behind the camera, keep doing whatever your doing" She waves the young Princess off before sitting as a chair and yelling 'Action!'

"Mio!" Katara yells catching my attention


"You spaced out, we're heading to Roku's island now, let's go" Jian says grabbing my shoulder and hoisting me up for Aang to grab my hand and help me up Appa

"I'm not so short that I need help" I mutter sitting next to my adorable boyfriend

Aang just chuckles before pecking my lips "Come on Bambi, let's be real... your the exact same height as Toph, maybe even shorter"


Using the clouds as a means of camouflage we where able to spur through the sky without being detected. Finally, after much flying we finally made it since Aang yelled out that we've gotten there "there it is, that's Roku's home"

We landed Appa and Jian helped me down as everyone began looking around "but there's nothing here"

Just as Katara said that Toph landed roughly on her feet, probably feeling the vibration beneath "yes there is, an entire village, hundred of houses...all completely buried in ash"

The six of us stand around each other looking at the ground as I feel a presence near by, I turn to see Queen Lilan in her spirit form, smiling at me gently before walking off

"I think we should get ready to meet Roku" I say gesturing for the others to follow me up to the edge of a cliff near the end of the island

"Wait Mio, how did you know about this place" Katara asks as i kept leading them

"I honestly don't know, but I saw Queen Lilan walking this way so I just assumed it's best to follow her" I shrug resuming my walk not minding the behaviour of my friends and boyfriend

"So your okay with the fact she's literally seeing your dead Great-Grandmother" Aang asks Jian as i sit on an adjacent side close to the edge, awaiting Aang and Jian to join me

"Well yeah, it's nothing new for dragons but seeing as I'm not the same as her, I can't relate much"

I hear Jian's footsteps as he walked closer with Aang beside him

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