𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝙻𝚒𝚏𝚎

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🔥3rd POV🔥

"We never know the greatest battles until we've lost"

After the fight at Ba Sing Se and Miozomi somehow healing Aang, she fell extremely weak and was put in a room to rest from all the stress

"Will she be okay?" Toph asks Katara who has been treating the young princess for days now

Katara sighs before answering "I believe so, her fevers gone down a bit so that's a relief so all we need to wait"

"What about the marks on her back?" Sokka asks

Katara looks at the young girl "I'll try and heal them but for now we just wait and see what happens"

The two of them nod before walking out the room but Katara stays behind

"Please wake up Mio, we really need you right now. You and Aang" Katara says before leaving the room

What she didn't know was that the Princesses fingers began to twitch

In the room next to the Princess is our young Avatar who has finally awoken, sitting up and groans in pains while glancing at the bandages covering his arm and lower abdomen. He then looks at the floor, vision blurry and head swaying

"What happened?" Aang groans holding his head

He looks to the side to reveal that he's inside a room decorated in Fire Nation design. Aang turns around and sees the large tapestry with the Fire Nation insignia hanging on the wall behind him

"Oh no!"

Aang scrambles off the bed, staff on hold

The metal latch squeaks as Aang opens it and peers outside. He slowly hobbles down the dimly lit hallway, teetering from side to side while using his staff and wall for support. He looks around it and sees two Fire Nation soldiers, very tall and carrying a club, and the other very tiny

"Did you hear something?"

Aang gasps and puts his back to the wall before turning around the corner and swinging his staff, bending a strong hush of wind at the soldiers. The soldiers shield themselves from the attack and Aang takes the opportunity to run down the corridor

"He's awake!"

Aang desperately trying to get away from the soldiers, still trying to get away from the soldiers and using his staff for support. The soldiers round the corner follow after him

"Stop wait!"

"We won't hurt you!"

The second voice was familiar to him but he didn't stop running, he just kept moving faster and faster as much as he could

Aang tried to escape, looking back at the soldiers. He comes to a small flight of stairs leading to the deck and climbs up but trying to jump off the steps and unto the deck went downhill as he fell hard on the deck floors. He looses his grip on his staff as it slides across the deck

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