𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗𝚎

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🔥3rd POV🔥

After Azula attacking them in Ba Sing Se, Kharisa who was badly injured and Iroh where captured and placed in different cells but during most nights with less guards on duty, he would sneak into her cell to use a little bit of the spirit water he found to heal her before moving back to his cell. Currently, Kharisa was handcuffed to the walls of a cell in the Fire Nation Capital, given orders by Azula herself to punish her. From her expressive nature, you could see the dark circles under her eyes, they hardly have that shine in them and her face seeming completely drained, from her pale white skin as snow and her lips cracked.

She breathes heavily as she tries to remove her restrains from her wrist but groans in failure

"Don't bother, it's a very rare metal, extra strong to make you feel weak" Kharisa looks up to meet the cold dead eyes of her capturer

"Azula!" She spits in anger

"That's right cousin, I must say you are looking nice today"

"Don't flatter me and tell me what you want" Kharisa turns her head from Azula's view

"Well, first off it's rude to turn away when someone is talking to you" Azula said waiting for her to face her but she didn't

"Ugh fine, I want to know where The rest of those little ingrates took Miozomi and dear Jian to, Father doesn't believe she's dead, he also wants Jian to join him" Azula informs the Young Queen

{Kharisa and the King of Ba Sing Se did get married secretly, that's why everyone still referred to her as princess}

"I don't know and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. Haven't you done enough, your sister probably hates you more now that you killed the love of her life and Jian would rather die than be on Ozai's side" Kharisa says to Azula

"Hahah" Azula laughs

"Miozomi wouldn't be foolish enough to fall for The Avatar and dear Jian would be honored to be on the right hand side of his uncle. Besides if you do tell me where they are I'll let you go, I'll even get a healer to take care of you...."

After a long pause

"And your baby"

With that Azula walks away from the cell as Kharisa begins to cry fearing for her unborn child's life

The next day, Ozai asked for Kharisa to be brought to him in the throne room. She was taken from her cell to a room in the main palace where the hand maids cleaned her up, dressed her and even fed her good food before escorting her to Ozai.

As she walked into the throne room, the generals got up, bowed to her and left. Leaving Kharisa to face her Uncle

"Hello Kharisa, please have a sit"

Ozai commands as she looks at him before following the order and sitting opposite him

"What do you want Ozai?"

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