𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚛 & 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝙸𝙸

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

Back to where we stopped, Gran.Lilan decided that after visiting the Dragons, the next thing to do was to go over to Kyoshi island and learn with Fucang.Zane.

"After my training with him, i was able to control the dragons shape shifting abilities and even had some spare time to learn new techniques. There i officially met Roku, I can always say till this passing time that we became good friends fast for the short period he stayed on the island before he headed right back to the Earth kingdom and i for the Fire nation capital, returning to my family and my soon to be husband Sozin. While I believe i spent roughly 5-7 years studying with Fucang.Zane, Roku spent a total of 12years mastering the Four elements. But the thing is when i got back, Sozin was now FireLord and apparently, I was to be his future Firelady. The gift he had given me all that time ago was actually a bethrothmental ring. I didn't realize it until when I got back. Sozin ordered that i be brought to the palace once I had returned and that's what they did" She sighs looking at the scene playing right in front of us

"S-Sozin" Young Gran.Lilan stutters taking a hard look at the Young Man in front of her, he gives off a strong and intimidating aura but just by a glance at her, his hard exterior began to diminish as he walks down the throne towards his soon to be wife and presents a gentle smile to her, showing off his pearly which teeth's

"Why hello my darling"

Kissing the top of her hand like the gentle man he was trained to be, he led her towards the throne and beckoned for her to sit either beside him or on his lap but being too shy, she sat by his right side and continued to admire his built up physique which leaves her speechless

"I-I- wow, you look so different Sozin" Lilan stares at him still trying to process the whole thing

He laughs softly while giving her a heart warming smile as he opens his arms to her "I hope that's a good thing"

"I-It is"

Being baffled at the whole transitioning between Sozin and herself, Gran.Lilan stood to her feet and walked to the other side of the throne deep in thought. I noticed Sozin about to approach her when the doors of the throne room fell wide open as a Mature man came into the room

"Greeting your majesties, My name is Yui and I will be your wedding planner" The man says while bowing to them both

"Excellent" Sozin gives the man a little smile before walking over to Gran.Lilan and pecked her cheek while holding her waist gently while leading her back to the thrones "This is your Future Queen, she'll be in charge of all preparations for the wedding, I trust her judgement"

With that being said, Sozin walked out of the throne room leaving Gran.Lilan with this total stranger

"S-Shall we begin your grace?" Yui asks gently noticing the startled expression on her face

"Oh of course" she smiles at him after snapping back into reality

"I can say i spent a whole month planning my wedding by myself, luckily for me, my mother and sister came over to the palace to assist me, even my dear friends. It was easy to complete everything that way up until the night before the wedding where I was kept in the other wing of the castle so as not to run off to Sozin" Gran.Lilan says as a bright light shines upon us showing a different location which so happens to be the garden for the wedding

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