𝖢𝗋𝗈𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝗋𝗂𝖽𝗀𝖾

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"This is where history will be made"

Since Toph, Aang and Sokka left i've been helping The Earth King and Katara plan for the invasion. I've also been training with Jian but Kharisa hasn't been of much help aside from giving me more scrolls to read, Jian says if i'm able to fully transform then i can communicate with Aang when he makes his way into the Avatar state and also warn each other in a dangerous situation so now we're in the garden, meditating

"Are you ready" He stand in-front of me to make sure i'm doing exactly as he says


"Close your eyes" I do as i'm told

"Okay now concentrate, remember the dragon is your friend, not your Enemy. We where given these gifts for a purpose, a mission to help" I can feel him circling around me

"Now transform"

Concentrating on my strength, i imagine myself slowly transforming into my dragon form, growling as I felt my eyes glow a bright golden color and all sense of the physical world disappears as i feel myself move up, my clothes changing and i'm no longer a human. I'm a-a d-dragon

 I'm a-a d-dragon

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.3rd POV.

"Miozomi" Kharisa warns getting up from her sitting stance on the grass but the dragon just snarls at her and Jian causing him to take a defensive stance in front of his older cousin

"Okay, Nara, right?" The dragon nods and begins to talk to her

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kharisa and young Jian, i can't say its nice talking to a blood traitor and her little pet" Nara snarls

"Hey!, you watch what you say to my cousin and I" Jian growls while pointing at the beast in rage

"It's okay Jian, Nara, I wanted to ask you something" Kharisa puts a hand on her cousins shoulder before approaching the beast before them

"Hmm,What is it?"

"Do you think she is strong enough to face any kind of challenges coming her way? And is she ready to do more?"

"...i cannot say, the young girl has a lot of hesitance in her, but I believe, she can do anything, only if she puts in more effort and stops being distracted by things or people around her. Like seriously, this girl needs guidance" Nara says

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