Part I: Phoenix King

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

I didn't expect that upon awaking the next morning, thoughts of all I overheard the previous night was something to not look forward to, but in order to not raise any suspicion or alarm to anyone, I decided to plaster a fake smile upon my face and slowly make my way out of the room. Immediately my back was against my door I looked up to face a distraught and upset Jian staring me right in the face with a look of sadness clouding his expression

"Before you say anything of the sort, can I start off with an apology, I truly am sorry that none of us were bold or honest enough to tell you about Kharisa's untimely death but I can speak for everyone that we thought it was best keeping it from you for some time in order not to distract you from the mission on ground" As he speaks all, my mind began to wonder off and seeing as he didn't notice I guess he felt it was okay for him to keep talking so he did. "Both Katara and Aang pleaded with my mom and I to tell you the truth but we refused, we thought that it was best at the time, we honestly ju-"

"H-How did she die, don't you think I have a right to know that" I stutter out to him and I can sense him shift uncomfortably with a dread of silence filling the still hallways for what felt like eternity for he refused to meet me eye-to-eye but once he finally did all he was met with was my dead cold eyes

"It was your father....he executed her in the capital"

It felt like the air had been knocked out of my chest and it felt extremely tight, a tear fell and I hold myself back from choking on a sob, clearing my throat and removing the fallen tear drops which fell upon my cheeks, I walked off with him trying to call for me but I refuse to let him or any of them know how I'm feeling. With the thought of maybe a walk would help with how I'm feeling I headed towards the back of the house only to come across see the gang no where in sight, sighing I made my way over to the beach side to see them all playing around

"You have got to be kidding me" I mutter in pure disappointment shaking my head and walking away back to the house to try and do some reading

"Did my eyes just play tricks on me or did I just see Miozomi?"

That's the last thing I heard before walking off and looked for a secluded part of the house to settle down and read which landed me in a room that looked fairly abandoned like the rest in the house and i settled myself to sit in a corner of the room for all the tears I tried holding in kept falling down, little by little. I chocked on my tears while curling into a ball with my back against the wall, in an empty, cold room with no one but my thoughts and self to comfort me.

"I am so sorry Kharisa"

I just kept muttering the words to myself over and over again till I felt myself almost pass out but snapped out of it due to a large explosion coming from inside the house.

'What's going on now'

Standing up to my feet I wiped my tears before running out of the room only to see Aang run past me in full speed and behind me is Zuko unleashing a large blast of flames over the passageway with Aang being stuck in the middle of the Fire Tornado, he swiftly used his Airbending to distinguish most of the flames while glaring at my brother who doesn't seem too bothered


With that being said, he blasts a huge gush of air at Zuko sending him out of the house. With a panicked and confusion, I ran out of the house to check on my brother. Jumping from the destroyed area of the house unto the ground, I ran to his aid and helped him up before punching him hard in the stomach making him crouch in pain, asking why I just punched him.

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