𝖠𝗇 𝖤𝗑𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"We're basically a dysfunctional family"

"What is this place" I whisper

If you haven't noticed by now i'm standing in the exact Garden i come to all the time to talk to my dear, mighty beast, Nara only to see my 'mother' here with me and it's not her, it's a figment of my imagination built on the soul purpose of making me feel terrible about myself because all my time growing up in the castle after 'she' left to which i blamed myself for. Zuko spent his time making me feel less of myself, allowing see myself as a monster, he made sure to add that no one could ever love me for my worth but my chubby, jolly uncle loves me, Father is out of the question, Azula gives me her time and my long lost Cousins, are a different story

"It's your sanctuary, your safe zone, the only place you can come to when trying to escape all the anguish and hate you feel for the physical world" She explains sitting down at the little Gazebo in the middle of the garden.

"I get that, What I meant was what am I doing here"

"Your here to see the reason why 'she' left and more" she says as I face forward to see a...

"Sweetie, where are you?" Mother cooes searching for little me.

"Hehe" I giggle running away from her

"Where is my little treasure hiding huh? Hmmm I wonder where she could be" she teases as I giggle running away from her until suddenly i'm raised in the air.

"Ahhh!" I yell as the person holding me has a very firm and strong grip on my body.

"Ozai, i'm sorry we where just playing"

"Hmm, you shouldn't do it in the first place, My father wishes to see all of us in the throne room" he said holding me close as i frown in sadness.

"Father" I give him a timid smile.

"Miozomi!, stop playing around, we're meeting with your Grandfather now"

"Grandpa?" I ask.

"It's Grandfather child!, Ursa get Azula and Zuko. I'll wait with Miozomi at the entrance" Father says taking me away from Mother.

Soon later i see from where I stood by 'Mother' that younger Zuko and Azula come towards me and Father as we all enter the throne room.

"Come on" she says fazing through the walls as i quickly follow suit. Once i faze through the wall i saw 'Mother' standing by the side, close to my family looking at Father with hatred.

"She hated your father for a lot of things but she also loved him for a main reason"

"And what's that" I ask looking at her

"You three. You are her most prized possession and she was so proud to be called your mother" she sheepishly replies as we watch the scene unfolding in front of us.

"Fire Lord Azulon, as your youngest son. We come here to greet you and shower you with gifts and entertainment" Father says.

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