𝖡𝗂𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖶𝗈𝗋𝗄𝗌

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

"Like I said in the last chapter, yesterday was not my day but I'm hoping today is, it can't get worst than that, right?"

It's been a few days since our encounter with Mai, TyLee & Azula, i've slowly recovered from the traumatised effect my dear sister left me in. Honestly I have never felt this betrayed my whole life, never, besides all that, Aang's super excited for his first ever Earth Bending lessons with Toph and I'm happy for him, I really am but the boy is just too hyper this morning, all I want to do is sleep, a good sleep from the past few days drama, especially Azula's stunt she pulled on me

"Today's the day! Can you believe it? All this time for searching for a teacher, I'm finally starting Earth bending! And this place...it's perfect don't you think Sokka?"

Sokka rolls over, giving Aang a hard deadly glare

"Ohhh, you're still sleeping, huh" Aang says

Sokka moans again and rolls back over

"Sorry!" Aang whispers trying not to disturb Sokka. Suddenly the ground begins to shake and I become a bit woozy before stabling myself. Toph's rock tent explodes showing her glorious self

"Good morning Earth bending student!" She cheers loudly

"Good morning Sifu Toph" Aang says bowing to her

Katara finally rises from her slumber

"Hey! You never call me Sifu Katara" She groans as I fetch water for her to drink

"Thank you Mio" she say drinking the water

"Your welcome"

"Well, if you think I should?" Aang admits as Sokka grumbles angrily

"Sorry Snoozy, We'll do our Earth bending as quietly as we can" Toph says as her and Aang walk away to begin their lessons. After stretching and doing her morning routine, Katara went to watch Aangs lessons so I decide to take my time to relax & learn how to talk to the inner beast, herself.

"Alright then." I say with determination. I close my eyes and began to imagine talking to the beast. "Oh great and mighty...Fuzang dragon! Keeper of treasures and riches, hear my pleas and talk to me..I really don't know what I'm doing, am I doing it right?" I say thinking

"Look, I know I'm not the best person to talk to about...stuff but I do know I'm trying my best not to be known as  this little girl that doesn't have a clue on what's right or wrong. This little girl that her mother left her and her siblings alone with her father to raise. A young girl growing to be a young independent woman who still needs guidance. A girl who holds on to her fathers 'fake' love, a love that's tainted with lies and betrayal and blood of innocent people, a love that's only vibrant when in the midst of important, high ranked individuals, a love that's present only for the souls purpose of the girls powers, her 'gift' as some would say. A girl whose uncle is the only source of real fatherly love she can find in this world. A girl who wants to help restore peace to the world and change peoples perspective of her Nation. To make a new name for the nation and to make things right. I just want to be able to help... help him, make a right in the world. Please, I can't be taken for a young girl who doesn't have the ability to do anything. My sister doesn't have my abilities and there has to be a reason the ancestors chose, me!, right?. My uncle, he always says...it's a way for people to see another form of Fire Benders, so now the burning question is, would you listen, or speak to me...please!" I plead but nothing happens, no sound, no sign, nothing

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