𝘈𝘶𝘯𝘵.𝘞𝘶 𝘚𝘦𝘦'𝘴 𝘈𝘭𝘭

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

I've got nothing to say and nowhere to go

I look up to the sky, admiring the  clear sunny day, we decided to rest after a long journey, now in need for food, Sokka decided to fish, like that was going to work out well

"Look" Katara yells pointing at the river to see a fish jumping out and going back in

Sokka stands and assumes...a gunslinger stance. The fish keeps jumping out and in, which happens to be a green like catfish

"Ohhh he's taunting me, you are so going to be dinner" Sokka yells running to the tent to grab his fishing pole which is standing up outside of it and runs back to the lake edge and casts the pole a few times without effect

"Hey, where's the fishing line?" Sokka asks looking around

"Oh I didn't think you might've needed it Sokka" Aang says he holds up a flower crown

"Aahhhhhh man it's all tangled" Sokka groans looking at it

"Not tangled, woven" Aang says Airbending himself in a standing position before turning to me

"I...I m-made you a Fire l-lilly crown Z-Zomi, i thought it w-would look nice...on...you" Aang admits blushing and stuttering looking from side to side embarrassed and I smile softly at him

"Thank you Airhead, I love it" I say taking it from him and going towards Katara to put it in my hair

"Great Aang, hey why don't you just go into a small Fashion business instead of saving the world" Sokka groans again

"I don't see why I can't do both" Aang says shrugging his shoulders

"Well what do you think Katara" I said showing her my look after putting the flower crown on. The crown consisted of all my favorite flower, Reddish pink Fire lilies

"Oh My Lillie's, you look beautiful" Katara says making me turn red

"Okay let's go show them" She says dragging me towards where the boys are

"Mmmhhhmmm" Katara says loudly getting their attention

"Well, what do you guys think" I asked getting self conscious since they weren't responding

"Well, what do you guys think" I asked getting self conscious since they weren't responding

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{focus on the flower crown in her hair}

"Do you mean all of you or just your head, n-not that a-all of you is bad or anything I-is j-just that...ummm" Aang says really flustered making me have hope that he might like me just a little bit as well

'Wait, do I like Aang?' I thought as I get drawn back by Sokka taunting Aang about something didn't get

'Wait, do I like Aang?' I thought as I get drawn back by Sokka taunting Aang about something didn't get

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