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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥
There is a reveal at in this chapter now so please be warned!⚠️

"This is all pointless okay! I've had it with all these people criticizing everything I do, how I act and how i talk and I've been hurt way too many times" Miozomi cries out to Elbearry57 who just sits and watches her OC burst out in tears with her heart aching from their resting room couch which must be said is very comfortable

So technically Elbearry57 was relaxing in her trailer, reading a nice book when Miozomi stormed in. Apparently she had a huge argument with Katara and that lead to her sudden behavior but instead for her to let her boyfriend calm her down like he normally does, she decided to meet the author and talk to her about how she feels. Take it like meeting your psychiatrist but without paying and getting great lessons.. I think?

"What's wrong baby girl, why do you feel this way" Elbearry57 says in a soft voice while gently putting her book down on the coffee tables but that doesn't stop Miozomi from glaring hard at her with tears falling down her now rosy cheeks

"Enough with the crap Eliana! I-I don't want to hear it, I'm tired! Okay!" Miozomi screams loudly "All I've wanted was a normal family, good siblings and loving parents, family dinners at night, brunch by the quad pool under the lovely shade of the cherry blossom tree, warm jasmine tea when feeling down or a slow calming song to go with it all...I know is i shouldn't say all this and i should be greatful for how you've written my story so far but still i just..I just want a normal family, like Rosabella's o-"

"I'll stop you there" Elbearry57 gets up and walks up to Miozomi, standing right in front of her and looks her down in her bright Yellowish/brown eyes "Rosabella's story is about how she grew up away from her Mother and other relations just to protect her since the assassination attack that cost her Father his life, the killers where supposed to kill both The King and The Princess but they didn't see her since her father shielded her from the assassin view. Her mother, The Queen feared for her life and so by the suggestion of her Mother-in-law, they sent Rosabella to live with her friends. Diego's parents where secretly guarding her so when Diego's mom got the job to move, they knew it was time to bring the Princess home so that's what they did. Why do you think even when Rosabella finally moved to the city she still didn't feel like she was given enough space to breathe? She was guarded 24/7, even her own bedroom has guards in them but she obviously doesn't know about it. She wasn't allowed to associate with her own Brother for years and she's going to be a leader of a kingdom at such an early age"

There was a pause and Miozomi was about to speak but Elbearry57 cut her off

"Then I know you where going to say something about Adelina's story so here it is, well it's similar to an old friend of mine. She grew up with her best friend's family, not knowing much about her biological family seeing as she's been an orphan for so long..people close to her keep deep and dark, mysterious secrets from her, it felt right. I can't talk much about her because...she'll be upset and I don't want the readers to know much about her" Elbearry57 gives Miozomi a soft smile before gesturing her to sit down beside her on the soft sofa "Now i just want you to know that I love you so much, as much as I love the rest of my Oc's and I'm super proud of how far your story's gone so far here on this platform" Elbearry57 gives off a heart warming smile but Miozomi still feels a bit down

"You my darling have to realize that your intelligent, loyal, and extremely empathetic and that's what's made Aang fall for you. Don't you notice how sometimes he tries to impress you with bending tricks or his skill with animals (which usually ends up backfiring) but ultimately, he loves you because you have grown to be his best friend, and who wouldn't want to spend life's journey with their best friend? The life of the avatar is never simple or easy, but together you guys thrive"

Slowly wiping her tears away, Miozomi gives Elbearry57 a genuine smile before nodding, standing to her feet and shaking off her nerves "Your right! I have to get better control of my emotions. Thanks Eli"

"Your welcome love" Elbearry57 smiles gently before looking at the readers "I'd have written more on Miozomi's emotional breakdown but I'm saving that for later... you're gonna love it"

While Elbearry57 gave the audience a sneaky look Miozomi gets a bit creeped out and slowly walks out of the room slowly but not before waving bye to the readers

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