𝙵𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

After my talk with Aang yesterday about what happened during the invasion, I thought we'd use the next day to spend some quality time together, guess i was wrong, at the break of dawn, Zuko dragged Aang with him and they left to another part of the temple to start Fire bending training. Upon getting to their spot, I see Zuko trying to blast a full on thrust but his flames, they're...weak?

"Huh? Zuko what's happening to you?" I ask approaching him and Aang

"I don't know! What was that? It's the worst firebending I've ever seen"

"Well I thought it was nice" Aang shrugs

I shake my head in disapproval "oh baby no, don't encourage such a weak performance"

I turn to see my brother glaring at me making me feel nervous "I-I mean in a good way...hehe" and before he could try and do anything to me I ran off

I noticed for half of our morning that Zuko really did try his best to get his flames up but nothing was working, they're just getting weaker and weaker, I remember this happening to me at one point but I got my bending back after a few weeks, this has to be something else

"I'll see you guys at dinner" I say walking off and back to my room

"Where are you going" I turn to face Aang and Zuko

"To look for answers"

"-I don't want to rely on hate and anger anymore" I hear Zuko say just as I sat beside Toph with a book and scroll in hand

"You need to learn your Firebending from a different source, I recommend the original source" She says while eating her food

Katara asks Aang to pass me some food but i kindly reject it, my mind right now is how to get my brothers bending back

"How's he supposed to do that? By jumping into a volcano?" Sokka asks before sitting beside me

"Actually no, Zuko need to go back to the original sourve of Firebending is"

"So...is it jumping into a volcano?" Sokka asks me in a whisper to which I roll my eyes and mutter a quick 'no'

"Well for earthbending the original benders were badgermoles" Toph says

Just then she explains how she learn Earthbending from them, Aang also went on to explain how he learnt from the monks but the original Airbender were the sky bison "maybe you could me some lesson sometime buddy" Aang says as Appa groans back in response

"Well it doesn't help me, the original Firebenders were dragons and they're extinct...the only living ones are sitting with us"

With that everyone turns to me and Jian but he quickly dismisses it "Hey, no don't look at us! The masters gave us the ability to transform into dragons, being called them can be quite offensive"

I sit there in silence before standing up to face Zuko "We may also need the masters help Zuko! Once in every 30 years, one of the gifted ones must visit the temple of which the dragons once resided in to pay respect to them"

"How are you going to do that, the dragons are extinct"

I smile and face Sokka

"They might be but they're civilisation isn't, the first people to learn from the mighty beast were the Sun warriors and through my research, they're civilisation wasn't too far from here, there might be something there that could help us or even better help both Zuko and Aang in this whole Firebending learning process" I turn to face my brother "what do you say? Fancy a joyride with Appa?"

He hesitates at first, turning his face away from us briefly before facing me again and nods which causes a smile to break out on my face before I turn to Aang "what do you say love? You in"

"Oh I'm always up for a little adventure with you bambi" I try to hold in my blush before facing Jian

He sighs as he realises why I'm staring at him "do I have to?"

"Mhm, mhm...I can't do this without you and we both need to learn more about the beast which inhabits us an-"

"Alright, alright get it...it's a family road trip" rolling his eyes playfully before standing to his feet and began to slowly walk away

"Wait...how is it a family road trip? Aang isn't related to us?" Zuko asks and I facepalm at my dense brother

"Obviously he meant is as a reference  since Aang is dating me and maybe one day we might get married!" I shrug before walking after Jian while saying goodnight to everyone  

"Alright then I guess we leave at the break of Dawn"


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