𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘢𝘨𝘪'𝘴 𝘩𝘶𝘨𝘦

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

I thought after the temple would be a blast, smooth flying from there, well guess what guys,

I was so wrong

"You have no clue on where we're going, do you?" Sokka asks

We've been flying for a while now over the clear blue sky and water, it looked so peaceful but i'm pretty sure Aang's lost...again

"Well i know it's near water " Aang replies shyly as i giggle, going back to helping Katara sew Sokka's clothes

"I guess we're getting close then" Sokka sarcastically replies before focusing on his reading. I just shake my head in disappointment, trading my attention to Katara

"Momo marbled please" I hear Aang say but i'm too concentrated in finishing this cloth

"Hey Zomi! Check this cool trick I just learnt" I still don't look up from my sewing as i try to reply in my sweetest tone not to make him upset

"That's great Aang" I say flatly, damn i didn't mean for it to come out that way

"You didn't even look" He says sadly making me feel bad as i sigh

"That's great" I reply this time in a happier tone and facing him

"But I'm not doing anything" he says but before i could reply Sokka decided to cut in

"Stop bugging her okay, girls need space when they do their thinking, don't distract or else she'll mess up" Sokka says making me think of the time back in the palace during Princess ethics 101, ugh i hated those lessons, it was so sexist

"What does being a girl have to do with Sewing and thinking" Katara asks folding her arms

"Simple, girls are better at cooking, thinking and cleaning while boys are better at hunting, fighting and some other stuff girls aren't that great at, its just the natural balance of things" Sokka said casually making me mad

"Oh is that so, well Katara and I are done with your clothes and look at the great job we did" I say grabbing his pants from Katara and the shirt i was sewing and throw them at him causing his sister to giggle

"Wait no I can't wear these, i was kidding come on Mio, please" Sokka starts to plead as Katara and I put on a victorious smirk

"Relax Sokka, where we're going you don't need any pants" Aang says reassuring Sokka

"I'm definitely not looking forward to seeing that"


Later on we land on a beach that looks deserted, Sokka takes out his map to point pick our location

"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we do more flying than setting camp" Sokka explains to Aang

"I hate to admit it but he's right love" I said turning to face Aang "We need to get you to the North Pole until spring"

"But Appa's so tired right boy" Aang said but got nothing from the bison "I said right boy" and like that the bison gives off a 'fake yawn'

"Yeah sure" I roll my eyes unimpressed

"That's real convincing. Very hard to argue with a ten-ton magical monster" Sokka adds

"LOOK!" Aang yells and points his finger at the ocean and a giant koi fish emerges "That's why we're here..." he said stripping his garments making me avert my eyes

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