𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘰𝘭𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦

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🔥Miozomi's POV🔥

Today looks promising, I hope I don't have to go home anytime soon.

It's a beautiful day, lovely puffy clouds pass by with the sun shining bright, the bright green valley below us as Appa flies slowly over the clouds, Aang's in the drivers sit while I'm laying down, on my back with Katara and Sokka enjoying the view from above

"Those clouds look so soft, like you could just jump down and land in a big, soft cotton heap" Katara says starting up a conversation

"Maybe you should give it a try" Sokka says

"Your a real joker" I said to him turning to the side slightly

"It is a really good suggestion" Katara admits

"I'll try it! Yeahhhh" I hear Aang says as he jumps over Appas side, laughing and hurtling down through the clouds with his staff

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"I'll try it! Yeahhhh" I hear Aang says as he jumps over Appas side, laughing and hurtling down through the clouds with his staff. The siblings and I look over the side of Appa and see him disappear into the cloud. Next we know is Aang lands next to me with his glider soaking wet.

"Turns our the clouds are made up of water" Aang says Airbending himself dry

"You don't say" I say sarcastically before looking down below us with a downcast face

"Ummm guys you might want to see this" They leaned by my side, looking below to see a giant scar. We decided to land Appa to see what's wrong with this valley in some of the damaged part but it's all been burnt down to stumps.

"It's so quiet, there's no life present" Sokka surveys the area but i focus on Aang, seeing him like this, at the outcome of everything is sad

"Hey" I said putting a gentle hand on his shoulder which he shrugs off gently

"How can someone do this Miozomi, your nation, the fire nation did this I mean they have no respect for -?" Sokka is then cut off by Katara, I know my nation is bad but I didn't know they where this terrible

Katara points to where Aang and I stood, i cautiously rested my head on his shoulder while he took my hand and intertwined them together. He lets go of it and sinks to his knee while I sat next to him

"Why would anyone do this, why did I let things come this far" Aang says sadly while I rub his back affectionately

"Aang you didn't let anything happen, it has nothing to do with it" Katara says trying to reassure him

"Yes it is, it's my job to protect nature and I let this happen I can't even do a simple job right" Aang argues making me look down in sadness

"That's why we're going to the North Pole, to get you a teacher" Katara says then she turns to me as I raise my head up "And Mio, you are nothing like the rest of the Fire nation, you have a good heart and it's been an honor having met you, don't think otherwise" She says making me smile a little

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