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"Hm...Party. Wanna join?" She asked normally.

"No, I love my bed much more than a party and I'm tired as hell today!" I replied as I got annoyed.

"Come on! Please Y/n!" She started begging me.

"Why me? Take your that friend which you met today!" I again said while shouting at her.

"She's also going but, I'm scared to go alone without my bestie!" She said showing me those puppy eyes while whining.

"Aish! Fine! I'm going! Happy?!" I said and smiled a little bit.

"Yeah! Really happy! Thank you Y/n! Thank you very much!" She said as she got excited.

"So when is the party starting?" I asked her.

"In a few hours," she said and sat on her bed.

"What the fudge?! I'll not get to sleep then?" I asked as I got sad and pouted.

"You can sleep later. Now go and get ready!" She said while pushing me.

"Right now?! What should I wear?!" I asked as I got panicked.

"Just wear what you're comfortable with. You look good in everything anyway," she said showing me a warm smile.

"I've never been to a party before! What if I mess up?" I asked as I got worried.

"Don't worry! You'll not mess up, I know. Now go and get ready, fast! We're getting late!"

"Okay!" I said and showed thumbs up.

Just by saying that, I ran to my closet to get something I can wear for the party.

"What should I do?! I don't have any party gowns!" I whispered to myself as I got panic. "Wait! Lisa just said I can wear anything I'm comfortable with. Then...I should! This one!"

I ran toward the washroom to change. After changing, I put on some light makeup and went to Lisa whose half asleep because I was taking so long.

"Lisa! Let's go! I'm ready!" I shout a bit.

"What?~" She whined a little, then after noticing my dress, she said, "Wow! You're looking like a princess!"

"What?~" She whined a little, then after noticing my dress, she said, "Wow! You're looking like a princess!"

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"You think so?" I asked as I smiled sadly.

"Of course! But...why are you being sad?" She asked, putting both of her hands on my shoulder.

"Actually, my dad...gifted me this dress on my birthday," A teardrop rolled down from my eyes when those words escaped my mouth.

"Uh...Don't be sad! Everything will be fine! Let's go! Okay?!" She said as she got all cheered up.

"Um...Okay!" I said while smiling at her.

"Let's go then!" She said dragging me with her.

And we both went outside to get a cab. We soon got a cab, and then we got inside. It took us around half an hour to reach the place where the party was held.

"Woah! This place is beautiful!" I said as I was mesmerized by this place's beauty

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"Woah! This place is beautiful!" I said as I was mesmerized by this place's beauty.

"I know, right? I'm amazed," she said looking around.

"But you know what. It's looking more like a restaurant rather than a party hall," I said while chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, now that you point that out...I'm feeling that way too. Actually, the person who held this event like these kinds of themes, that's why," she shrugs.

"Oh...I see," I said nodding. "Who held this party anyway?" I asked looking back at her.

"Jeon Jungkook," she replied as she looked at me.

"Jeon Jungkook?"


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