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No...I'm not.

"Of course not! We're just friends!" I laugh it off.

I shrugged off that thought and kept on walking. After a lot of walking, I was finally outside the college building. I went in and as soon as I entered a group of girls surrounded me.

"Is that true?!"

"Yes! Is that true?!"

A lot of girls start speaking at once, overlapping each other's words.

"Woah! Woah! Speak one by one! I can't understand a thing!" I shouted a bit.

"Is that true that you and Hyung-Sik broke up?!"

"Huh? We broke up?" I asked confusingly.

"Yes!" She said showing her hopeful expression.

"Uh...could you guys give me a minute?"

I asked backing away a bit and when I was at a fair distance I take my phone and dialled Hyung-Sik's number. He gave me his number during the days when we were pretending to be dating.


Attention seeker:

"Hello? The handsome guy speaking."


 "Seriously? Anyway, did you tell them that we broke up?"

Attention seeker:



 "Really? But why?"

Attention seeker:

"Why you want to date me in real?"


"Ew! Never! I mean, I thought you don't want to get chased?"

Attention seeker:

 "Hm~ Listen, after thinking for quite a while, I came to the conclusion that I was happier before."


"So In a nutshell, you've actually become an attention seeker and you do want the attention."

Attention seeker:


I cut the call and walked toward the crowd of girls. They looked at me curiously, clearly looking for an answer. I sighed, trying to act sad.

"Yes, we broke up."

The moment I uttered those words the place filled with cheers and not just low or anything. They were being very loud!

"Thank you so much Y/n! I know how it feels to get heartbroken. You've been very brave. We're proud of you!"

"Means now others have a chance too! The boys will be so happy!"

So I was the one who got dumped? Never thought I'd get praised for breaking up. Now everything seemed pretty odd.

Some were hugging each other in joy, some were crying while hugging and one of them even hugged me too. His cult members are getting out of hand these days.

Why the heck are they being so dramatic?

I just walked past them and went to the classroom

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I just walked past them and went to the classroom. I sit at my desk and take my phone. I was just scrolling through but then I felt someone beside me. I looked at my side.

"Lisa? You're early today."

"Of course, I need to be early! It's my favourite class! Anyway, what's going on at the entrance of the college gate?"

"You mean the girls?"

"Yes, they're looking like members of some sort of cult. They're dancing in a circle," Lisa said, looking very much weirded out.

"Well Hyung-Sik's fanbase itself is a cult."

"Hm...but what am I hearing? You guys broke up?" She asked, slightly surprised.

"Yeam" I shrug.

"I thought he gets annoyed by the chasing and disappearing?" She asked.

"Yes, but as I told you before, he finally claimed that he does get upset without the attention."

"What a rascal."

"Indeed. Oh, look! Mr I need attention! is here," I said looking at Hyung-Sik entering.

"You mean that good-for-nothing guy? Is that his new name?" She asked looking at him.

"Yes," I replied.

"It's much better than your Mr Charm. Because that name just cringe's me."

"I felt hurt," I said pouting.

In a few minutes, our professor entered and the class started. After 3 classes in a row, it was finally time for us to have lunch. After the professor left the classroom we all stood up. Some already went out of the classroom while some stayed.

I was putting my books in my bag while Lisa was checking her phone. After I was done I also stood up. I and Lisa went to the canteen.

We went to the table where we usually have our seats

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We went to the table where we usually have our seats. After discussing what we'll have Lisa was about to stand to give our orders. But just then a person approached me causing Lisa to sit still.

The person looked nervous and was almost shaking. He tried to speak but stopped and then after gathering up all his courage he finally speaks.

"Y/n, will you go on a date with me?" He asked looking down.

Hearing that of course others were shocked. They looked at us curiously definitely waiting for me to reply. I looked at Lisa who was shaking her head as no, telling me to say no.

Just as I was about to reply my phone rang.

"Excuse me."

I said as I take out my phone. It was a call from Jungkook. It almost felt like I was getting hints that I shouldn't agree. I stayed silent for a moment.

I wasn't saying something, nor was I replying to him. But he still stood there patiently knowing it was a very serious decision for someone to make. I looked at my phone and then at him. After thinking for quite a while I decided on replying.

"Yes. I'd love to go on a date with you."

A/N: Please vote :)

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