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When she was walking behind they were already a few steps ahead of her and she was trying to match the pace until she heard a familiar voice calling her.

She was left frozen at her steps. It's way too familiar to her liking but she couldn't put a name to the person for some reason. Has it been a while since she has met the person?

She slowly turns to look at who is it. When she sees who it was she was a bit surprised.

"Namjoon?" She looks at him speechless.

"H-How have you been? It's been a while..." He says smiling at her nervously.

" He says smiling at her nervously

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"Yeah..." She awkwardly replies gently rubbing her forearm.

While they were having their conversation Jin and Jungkook were busy speaking well of Lisa.

She is so nice to help us out," Jin says. He was still touched because of her kind gesture.

"I know right?!" Jungkook added.

Though she was a bit harsh on them they both knew she only wished for the best.

They all walk into the shop where Y/n was pointing. After walking in Y/n turns to look at them. When she notices there were only two of them and Lisa wasn't there she felt puzzled.

 "Where is Lisa?" She asks the two of them.

Up until she asks they also didn't know that Lisa wasn't with them anymore. They were surprised when they notice she isn't with them.

"She was walking behind us just a while ago. Where could she go?" Jungkook wondered.

Y/n was feeling worried so she takes out her phone to give her a call.

"I'll call her," she says and they nod waiting for her to do so.

She turns around not facing them and calls her waiting for her to receive. They looked at her from behind curiously wondering what was going to happen.

"Wait that's a strange caller ID," Jungkook says.



"Hello, Lisa?" She calls when Lisa picks up.

Liar Liar Pants on Fire:

"Yes?" Lisa replies in a stunt voice.


"Where are you?"

Liar Liar Pants on Fire:

"Actually, I have something urgent come up so I won't be coming for a while. But I'll catch up later I promise, okay?"


"Oh, okay. Be safe."

Liar Liar Pants on Fire:

 "Hm bye," she says and hung up.

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