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"Shut up!" The unknown guy shouts.

The next thing she could feel was they were forced into getting inside a car. She was sitting in the middle with two men by her side who were supposedly the kidnappers.

"I-It's kidnapping. J-Jin! We're getting kidnapped!" She says getting scared.

"Don't worry Y/n! I won't let anything happen to you! You'll not even get a scratch I promise!" Jin says who was sitting by the window seat to give her courage.

"Enough with your lover's talk!" The person beside Y/n spoke.

"W-We aren't lovers okay?! He likes someone else!" Y/n replies getting flustered.

"Who told you that I like someone else?!" Jin says getting offended.

"Isn't that clear?! You talk about her with Lisa and your friends!" She replies in anger.

"These guys really be not taking the situation seriously," One of the kidnappers says laughing. He really is enjoying all this.

"Hey, you two shut up now! Aren't you scared that you are getting kidnapped?!" The guy beside Y/n again scolds.

"Huh! Why should I be?" Y/n says.

"Eh?" The guy was left confused. "You shouldn't be?" He asks.

"Yes!" She replies.

"Why?" He again asks.

"Because Jinnie said that I'll be alright that's why!" She says.

The guy sighs in frustration.

"And they say they'll be scared of you when you hold them hostage. I should quit," The guy sighs.

"You know I kind of agree. This job really doesn't suit you," Y/n says.

"Really? Why so?" He asks getting confused.

"Before my face was covered I saw your face. You're very handsome. And I think a handsome man like you shouldn't waste his time doing this kind of stuff," she suggests.

"You really think so?" He asks curiously.

"Yah! How could you compliment other men when I'm around?! First, you flirt with that Max then you kissed Taehyung and now this guy?!" Jin says getting agitated.

"Why do you care?! I can do whatever I like! You don't own me!" Y/n replies in anger.

Jin pauses because he just remembered that he hasn't confessed yet.

"You guys really ruined my plan. I was planning something special but now," Jin sighs.

"Oh sorry to hear that dude. We're just doing what we are forced- I mean ordered to do," The chill guy says.

"It's okay," Jin again sighs.

"What were you planning?" Y/n asks.

Y/n couldn't see but the handsome guy and the chill guy noticed how nervous Jin got hearing that.


"You guys now should shut up seriously. Or else boss will get mad," The chill guy says. "Don't worry my guy I've gotcha," he whispers to Jin.

"Thanks, man," Jin whispers back feeling grateful to them.

After they reach their destination they were commanded to walk up the stairs carefully. After climbing the stairs they could hear a door getting opened and they were later taken to the room.

   After  climbing the stairs they could hear a door getting opened and   they were  later taken to the room

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