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She slowly leaned in closer to him with a wicked grin on her lips, knowing what she was doing

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She slowly leaned in closer to him with a wicked grin on her lips, knowing what she was doing. His ears were red the moment her breath touched his. His cheeks flushed red. He looked at her with a surprised look with a tint of curiosity in his eyes.

Getting closer and closer till she was by his left ear, she whispers something.

"I would not be hungry if I can have you instead," she chuckles.

That sends shivers down his spine the moment she chuckles. The breathy chuckle was somewhat attractive to him.  His heart rate increases at an insane level. He can hear it pounding on his chest, wanting to get out and take Y/n for his. 

After the mischievous move of hers, she sits back as if nothing happened a while ago.

"Were you nervous?" she asks teasingly, indicating his flustered state.

 His face and ears turn red yet another time. He shakes his head vigorously. Denying like he wasn't feeling tempted by her just even moments ago.

"Oh really?" she chuckles yet again. "Surprisingly it's fun to tease you. I like making you nervous."

"I wasn't nervous!" He raises his voice a bit due to embarrassment, trying to defend himself.

" I.don'" She says teasing him.

She really is taking revenge on him for what happened earlier today. He now feels stupid for acting the way he did because now his own tactics are backfiring him, making him feel weak and fragile in front of her.

He is surprised by what she can do to him and how much impact she holds on him. It's hysterical.

"I'll go get the food," he says excusing himself.

The way he didn't waste a second to stand up and dash out of the area made Y/n chuckle even more. He truly looked embarrassed and mostly flustered.

"Did I make him that nervous?" She says to herself and chuckles.

"Did I make him that nervous?" She says to herself and chuckles

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He never saw that side of hers. It was new to him. He can't deny that he liked it way too much. It was way too attractive for her.

"I would not be hungry if I can have you instead."

Remembering so his heart skips a million beats for the 7th time. He put his hand over his chest, breathing unevenly.

"What is happening?"

He covers his already reddened face that is burning like fire. He screams internally as his hands run through his hair in frustration. He could scream for the next few hours and that still wouldn't be enough.

"Kim Seokjin! Get yourself together! It's not the first time you encounter an attractive woman! You've met plenty of women in your lifetime. Handling her should be a piece of cake for you!

But I can't deny that I need her. I want her. Because she has my heartstrings wrapped 'round her fingers."

 It took him a bit of time to calm down while inhaling and exhaling several times. Later when he felt a bit better and put together, he goes back with their meals in his hands.

 Later when he felt a bit better and put together, he goes back with their meals in his hands

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Seeing him coming back she waves at him as he passes a smile.

He serves their meals over the tea table and asks Y/n to have her seat who was wandering around. They soon start after their prayers before meals. While Y/n looked invested in finishing her meal due to hunger, Jin noticed something about her. Her habit.

She is eating like a baby. The noodles stuffed in her mouth made her cheeks look puffy. Her messy style of eating where the food is all over her lips that is making her look ten times cuter than usual.

She looked like a kid trapped inside an adult's body. He felt this strong sense of caringness. He wants to keep her to himself and take care of this little girl all through his life.

A sight as such is rare to be seen and can't be ignored. He doesn't know when he'll get to see this side of her again and so decides to take a photo as a remembrance of this day.

At first, he takes out his phone and pretends to scroll to not get Y/n suspicious of him. When she wasn't looking he gets the perfect chance to click a photo. Except he forgot to turn off the flash and Y/n noticed him clicking her photo.

"What did you click? Show it to me this instance!" She commands.

He refuses to which getting frustrated she tries to snatch his phone from his hand. Getting alerted by her act he raises his hand above his head so she can't take it from him.

Getting frustrated even more she stood up. She isn't giving up on what he has on his phone. She needs to see it. So she stood up from her seat and rushes to his to get the phone in an easier way.

But he was clever. He hid his phone behind his back. Dedicated to protecting it from Y/n.

Seeing no opportunity of having it with the sweet talk she decides to add force to her list. She forcefully tried to get it from him which causes Jin to lose balance.

He starts to fall on his back and to save himself from falling he unconsciously caught her wrist causing her to lose her balance as well also causing for both of them to fall.

Opening his eyes he notices what he has done to himself. It was like hitting the axe on his own leg. He just made the situation get worse for them.

On the other hand Y/n grunts and moves her hand from his grip.

"What are you doing Jin?!" She asks raising her voice a bit.

She was at rage till she notices the distance between them. If worded correctly there wasn't even a bit of distance between them. She who was still trying to process what was happening notices her situated up above him. Their chests collided together with their lips just inches away.

 She starts to feel nervous. She could feel a knot forming inside her stomach making it difficult for her to even breathe. Her cheeks were getting flushed red.

Her heartbeat started to increase with the raising body heat. A tingling sensation running through her body made her feel shivers.

"You smell nice," he says.

A/N: Please vote :)

This is probably my most favourite chapter in this entire book. No not because of what's happening but because of the way I've written this part. It's different and very detailed than the other parts.

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