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What am I even thinking?! Have I gone mad?! Probably

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What am I even thinking?! Have I gone mad?! Probably...Things have been getting a bit confusing for me. I'm mixing up stuff so maybe I'm just overthinking.

I sighed as I tried to shrug it off. I walked to Jungkook as I pass him a smile.

"I don't remember if I've mentioned it before but you're looking good in your regular clothes too," he said complimenting.

"This is most probably your first-ever time complimenting my regular clothes other than YOUR uniform," I said as I laugh a bit.

"Haha, it's just you actually do look very pretty in that uniform for some reason while others look normal to me."

That made me blush a bit. He meant only I look pretty in that uniform compared to all his other employees.

Wait! Why am I even blushing?! My god, I need help!

I cleared my throat trying my best to act normal despite the tint of blush on my cheeks.

"Thank you so much," I said smiling.

"Mention not," he smiled as a tint of blush on his cheeks can be seen too.

He looks so cute when he blushes.

I unknowingly start to smile but then again shrug it off. Today my emotions are on a rollercoaster. Sometimes it's going up and then down. It's pretty troublesome and problematic.

I've to be careful.

"So shall we?" I asked.

"Yes sure," he says as he leads me to the way.

We walked out of his cafe as we started walking

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We walked out of his cafe as we started walking.

"Why aren't we having coffee at your cafe?" I asked getting curious.

"As it's my cafe it won't give off the vibe I'm looking for," he exclaimed.

"I see~ What vibe?" I asked.

He stopped causing me to stop too. I turn to him, looking for an answer.


He scratched his nape not knowing how he should answer that question. I sighed.

"No need to answer if you don't want to."

"Uh...sorry," he said standing straight.

"No, it's fine. Let's just keep on walking."

I said as he nods and we again start to walk.

"By the way...where are we going?" I asked.

"To a cafe?" He replied a bit confusingly.

"No! I mean in which cafe are we going? Is it nearby?" I again ask.

"Oh! Yes, it's not so far from here. Why? Are your legs hurting? Should I call a cab?" He asked, showing a bit of concern.

I chuckled, "No, I just wanted to know."

And we went silent. But then all of a sudden I started laughing as something came to my mind. But he gets confused.

"Huh? What happened?" He asked getting confused as he stopped walking.

"You know you make me laugh," I said as I chuckled a bit.

"Really? Why?" He asked as he tilted his head a bit looking very much adorable.

"You're totally not what I imagined you'd be. The first time when I met you, you looked like a very bold person," I replied.

"Really? What am I like now?" He asked like a curious child.

I again chuckle, "Now you're acting like a cute little puppy. Always talking in a low tone. Always so shy. Always say sorry."

He laughed, "I am always the bold type around others," he states, putting both of his hands inside his pockets.

"Really? Then why are you like this around me?" I asked.

"Because I'm soft for you."

A/N: Please vote :)

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