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"Y/n talk slowly

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"Y/n talk slowly. Everyone is staring at us!" Lisa whispered.

"I don't fucking care! Let them stare at us!" I yelled catching everyone's attention again.

Lisa noticed that everyone is staring at us and so she bowed to apologize.

"Y/n listen! Please calm down," Lisa said as she started begging me.

"Ok! Fine!" I sigh. "So care to explain everything?" I said while crossing my arms, trying not to burst again.

"Actually I was scared to attend this event all by myself so I thought I should take you with me that's it," Lisa said while fidgeting with her fingers.

"That's it?" I asked in disappointment. "Whatever, who cares? But wait! I've no problem if you're attending this event or not but DON'T tell me I'm ALSO a part of this event or I'll kill you and bury your corpse here!" I said, threatening Lisa.

"Don't worry, you're not a part of this event," she said reassuring me, still speaking in a low tone.

"Phew! What a relief!" I said exhaling a sigh of relief. "But why do you need a sugar daddy? You're not that broke, right?" I asked in confusion.

"You'll never understand Y/n," She said as she sighed.

"What do you mean? Aren't you searching for a job? Believe me, you'll find a job soon! You don't need any sugar daddy for that! You're good without one, I promise!

Let's go from here, hm? I'm not getting the right vibes from this place." I said while trying to drag Lisa with me but failed. I take my glance back at Lisa and asked, "What happened? Let's go?"

"Sorry Y/n, but I'm not going anywhere," she said not moving an inch.

"But why?" I asked getting more confused.

"You're already experienced that's why you get the jobs easily, but for me?! They don't even let me try because I'm not experienced like you!" She suddenly shouts.

"Lisa-" I tried to speak but got cut off.

"I roamed here and there just for a fucking job but each time I fail miserably!"

"Lisa don't wor-" I got cut off again.

"Even my parent's abandoned me!"

"My parent's abandoned me too but I'm here wit-," I got cut off yet another time.

"And when I finally got a fucking job what I got to do is DISHWASHING! Which I fucking hate! And not good at!"

"Li-," I again got cut off and so I sighed.

"It would've been much better even if they gave me the duty of taking orders! The customers were continuously complaining about the dishes being dirty!

And that freaking man kicked me out after insulting me and with half fucking payment! He at least should've given me the full payment for my hard work!"

"Don't be sad," I said while gently rubbing her back.

"I'm not good at it but still I tried my best! And all he did is kicked me out with half freaking payment!

Y/n! You know what?! I'm done with all this! I can't take all these insults! It's breaking me from the inside! My self-esteem is getting lower day by day!"

"Don't say that. You're a strong girl, I know," I said, cupping her face with both of my hands.

"It's better to have a sugar daddy rather than getting insulted!" Lisa said as a tear escaped.

I wiped her tears gently and replied, "Shh...Don't say that. Those people don't understand your value that's why they behaved like that. But I understand. So don't worry, hm?" I said giving her a gentle smile. "Okay...I don't have any problems if you want to have a sugar daddy so bad."

"Really?!" Lisa asked getting all happy.

"Hm, but I'm breaking our friendship. So bye~" I said while getting away from her.

"Y/n! Please don't break our friendship like this! Please!" Lisa said while grabbing my wrist.

"Why? You do know I don't like this kind of stuff, don't you?" I asked showing her a straight look.

"Y/n, please! I'll do anything but don't abandon me like this!" Lisa said showing me her puppy eyes.

"Ugh! Not that again!" I said getting annoyed.

"Please~" She said still showing her puppy eyes.

"Aish! Okay! Fine!" I replied annoyedly.

"Yay!~" Lisa said and started dancing for no reason.

"But," I said crossing my arms.

"But what?" Lisa asked in confusion and stopped dancing.

"I've some conditions and you've to follow all of them."

"Ay! Ay! Captain!" Lisa said saluting me.

I chuckled a little and answered, "1st, I don't want to get introduced to your sugar daddy or his friends. Which I know you'll probably try to do."

"Ok, Ma'am!"

"2nd, don't ever mention in front of me about your sugar daddy or the moments you've shared with him."

"Okay~" She said while dancing.

"3rd, and last one, DON'T EVER come to our dorm with your sugar daddy!"

"What?!" Lisa whined.

"You don't want to follow? Then say goodbye to our friendship forever," I said and again started walking away.

"NO! NO! I'll follow every single rule! I promise!" Lisa said while holding my wrist again.

"Okay then. Bye~" I said and again started to walk toward the exit.

"Wait! Why are you leaving now?! I just said I'll follow every rule!" She shouts.

"What am I supposed to do here? I've nothing to do. So, you can enjoy it here~ Tell me if you find any sugar daddy~" I shouted back without looking back at her while waving my right hand and still walking.

"No!" She said while running after me and back hugged me.

"Aish! What now?!" I asked getting annoyed.

"Don't go! I need you!" She replied still back hugging me.

"Why?" I asked in confusion while looking back at her.

"I'm scared!" She said whining like a baby.

"Huh! Scaredy cat!"


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