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Now Jin has frozen at his position

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Now Jin has frozen at his position. The nervousness getting mixed with a sudden rise of excitement. He didn't want that to happen. His heartbeat has increased rapidly to an unreal level.

She is so close to him. He could feel her breath hitting on his face. He could feel that she was getting nervous by her shaky breath.

He can see every feature of her from this close. She looks even prettier from up this close. He could never complain about getting a closer look when someone could be this pretty.

How is she so flawless? Even she smells nice. The sweet floral scent coming from her is making him feel enchanted. He somehow couldn't think straight.

Was it because she is so close to him?

 "You smell nice." He utters.

She gasps at his statement. She felt goosebumps the moment he uttered those words. Her heartbeat increased even more. She then realizes the speed of her beating heart before was nothing compared to how it is now.

Her face turned red due to her getting flustered. She couldn't move even a bit. As if her body got frozen just like Jin's.

The words that he uttered shamelessly with no holding back were totally unintentional. He didn't mean to say that out loud. But his heart ]being elsewhere that came out of reflex without his consent.

Seeing her gasp just made him go even more crazy. What he was feeling could be described as something between lust and affection.

His cheeks start to burn like fire. His heartbeat as if wasn't enough before started to beat even faster. As if soon it'll come out of his chest.

How is she so gorgeous?!

He couldn't help himself but look at her lips. His glances keep shifting from her eyes to her lips. He couldn't focus properly. It seemed way too difficult for him.

They look so tempting! It's hard to control!

Unconsciously when he looks at her lips which had her gulp in nervousness, he slowly closes his eyes and starts to get closer and closer to her face. Seeing him her body automatically makes her follow along as she also closes her eyes.

Their lips were just inches apart as they waited for the magical moment to arrive.

But before anything could happen Jin realizes what he was doing. It didn't feel right to him. So without delaying any longer, he opens his eyes in one go. Seeing her eyes closed waiting for him to kiss her, he clears his throat; indicating notings going to happen.

Y/n opens her eyes almost instantly and moves back in embarrassment. She tucks her hair behind her ear and looks down in nervousness.

Why did I even expect that to happen?

She sighs.

They again start to eat but this time in silence. What more they could do anyway? Something was about to happen in between them which turned the situation awkward. So to break the silence Y/n decides to speak.

"Uh...Jinnie, what do your parents do?" she asks, not looking at him.

"They run a company together. What about your parents?" he asks looking up at her.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. My mother is a housewife and my father is a police officer," she said with a slight smile that showed a tint of gloom.

Noticing her sadness he decides to ask, "What's wrong?" He asks in confusion.

Now that he recalls, she gets upset every time it's something about or related to her parents.

"I...had to cut ties with my parents because of my dreams. I want to be a writer but my dad wanted me to be a police officer just like him. Though I understand his concern he should respect my choices as well.

We had a huge argument related to that and well...he asked me to move out if I wanted to approach my dream. So I did what I thought was the best for me. I left my home behind."

"It must have been hard on you. Leaving your parents behind to fulfil your dreams. Have you contacted them since?" He asks.

"I am still in contact with my mother but it's a secret kept from my father. Because if he finds out, he won't let me talk to her."

Jin felt bad for her and so he decides to change the topic.

"You know a party will be held by my parents very soon and I think you should join as well," he says smiling.

"Really? Speaking of which I need to go shopping because I don't have any party gowns," she says pouting.

"You can wear whatever you are comfortable with. There's no pressure. Moreover, you look perfect in everything. Even if you came to the party wearing a sag you'll still be the prettiest," he smiles.

"That's a bit of exaggeration but I'll take it as a compliment," she chuckles at his silliness.

"Please do," he smiles sweetly.

"But then again, I need to go anyway," she sighs.

"Why?" He asks getting confused.

 "I'm going on a date," she says.

Listening to her his expression changes. It darkens and gets serious. It seems he didn't quite like the idea of it.

"No need to go."

A/N: Please vote :)

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