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"Did you expect me to go like, OMG! I'd love to! Well, you're wrong

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"Did you expect me to go like, OMG! I'd love to! Well, you're wrong. And ew? Why would I be your sugar baby? I was never into it and even if I was I would never choose you. I'd much rather choose Jimin," she said rolling her eyes.

Hearing that the rest tried their best to suppress their laughter.

"Ew?" Jin imitated as he tried his best to hold back his laughter.

"You won't regret though," Yoongi shrugged totally trying to act cool.

"I will, I will. You've become a pervert. I'm so sad," she said dramatically.

"What?! Pervert?! Me?! Never! I was just flirting!" Yoongi said.

"What?! You call that flirting? Oh my god, you make me laugh. You're kidding me right?" She says holding her chest in disbelief.

Hearing that they finally burst into laughter which made Yoongi feel embarrassed. Suddenly Y/n takes out her phone.

"Can I take a selfie with you?" She asks.

A smirk again appeared on his lips, "Why? You couldn't resist my handsomeness after all huh?" He asks.

"No, it's because you look like a person who straight up came out of a meme. So jokes on you."

Hearing that they again laughed.

"Oh, Y/n you're even more savage than Yoongi. Usually, he's the one who pisses us off but today it's totally the opposite," Taehyung says.

 Usually, he's the one who     pisses us off but today it's totally the opposite," Taehyung says

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"I'm the origin of savage, you know?" She said smirking.

"You're so cool!"

Later when they were doing their own stuff and each and every person seemed to be invested in their time Y/n was walking around aimlessly not knowing what to do.

"Lisa for some reason escaped saying sorry but I need to go somewhere," she murmured to herself.

While wandering around she spotted her classmate as he approached her. Y/n was shocked seeing him. It was totally out of her expectations.

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