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Jin looked at Y/n

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Jin looked at Y/n. He was really impressed. Why wouldn't he be even? When he first met her what impressed him was her bravery. But he didn't expect her bravery to be as far as this.

"Guys' it's not time to let your guards down. More people are coming! Be ready to fight.

The ones with guns take your positions behind. The ones with no weapons please come forward if you can fight.

We're going to guard the shooter as a distraction to the offender while the shooters will knock them out from the back. We're going to fist-fight them. Can we do that?"

"Yes ma'am!" They shout.

"Good! Take your position boys!"

As said the shooters take their positions behind and the fighters take their positions at the front. When the guards entered they first attacked on their legs causing them to fall.

When they fell down they kick them in the face. While the guards were trying to see what hit them, they grabbed them by the hair and slammed their heads to the ground and wall till they get unconscious. Then they tied their hands and take the guns with them.

The moment someone enters through the door she punches them in the face catching them off guard. When they were busy processing she kicked them in the guts and when they fell on their knees she grabbed them by their hair and knocked them out with one hit by slamming their head to the wall.

The ones behind shoot professionally while the good fighters also did their best. Y/n was too busy to notice the one behind her who was about to hit her but she was saved by Jin. When notices she smiles at him and they decided to team up. Together they knock them out.

After guards stop appearing they all cheered. Thinking they've won.

"Guys it's no time to cheer. Now listen carefully. There can be some downstairs. So we need to be careful. This time the one with guns comes forward.

You'll be guarding the fighters now. And fighters stay alerted no matter what and never let your guards be down. Got it?"


They change their positions order-wise. This time the one with guns stood forward while the fighters were behind.

"Good now open the door and be careful with everything. The ones on the left keep your eyes on the left, the ones in front at the front, and the ones on the right will guard the right. Make sure non of the fighters get hit.

That doesn't mean fighters will get relieved. Fighters always be alerted and when you feel suspicious let the shooters know. Keep your eyes everywhere you can. We're still in danger. Shoot the moment you see danger coming. Got it?"



They were all encircled in a group to get out of the room. They were alerted looking everywhere their eyes could go. On the second floor, nothing seemed out of the ordinary so they slowly made their way downstairs. When they were at the end of the staircase two guards showed up. But before they could even do anything they get shot.

"Good, keep going!" Y/n says.

When they were on the ground floor of the house they were standing in the middle of the hall. Their eyes roamed around looking for their enemy. When no one was left Y/n looked at them.

"We can't let them walk freely. Look around guys. Shoot the instant you see them. Remember not to kill them. We'll hand them to the police. They're going jail."

"Got it."

They all separate their ways while 4 of them stayed outside to keep guard. After checking when there was no one left. In a while, Jungkook came back with all the others to inform her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yes," Jungkook says.

"Okay...Now we're fine. Good job guys," she smiles.

They cheered in happiness. As she smiles looking at them.

"Jungkook did you call the police?" She asks turning back to him.

"Yes, they'll be arriving soon," he says.

"Very good," Y/n says.

"How did you do this Y/n?" Hoseok asks.

"You can say it's something I learned from my dad," she smiles.

"Your dad must be so cool," Hyung-sik says.

While they complimented her Jin looked at her in pride. He couldn't be happier.

After the police arrived and took them and they went back to the party venue again since everyone was getting worried about their sudden disappearance.

After the police arrived and took them and they went back to the party venue again since everyone was getting worried about their sudden disappearance

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"Thanks to Y/n none of us got harmed except for some minor injuries which are normal during fights. Thank you Y/n," Jungkook toasts to Y/n's bravery while everyone presented their clapped.

They were all sitting at a table enjoying their meal and having a conversation.

"I was so worried for you guys when you suddenly disappeared," Lisa says.

"Don't worry we're fine now," Namjoon smiles.

"Oh being lovely dovey I see!" Y/n teases and Lisa blushes.

"There would've been another couple being lovey-dovey if we didn't get kidnapped. Too bad," Jin pouts.

"What do you mean?" Y/n asks looking at him.

"It's a secret," he winks.

Authors note: Please vote :)

I know this chapter is a bit short. The last chapter will be longer I promise. I want to thank everyone who read my book so far. It's a great honour to have you guys here reading. I love you all for giving my work a chance.

I hope the last part will be up to your expectation. See you next Saturday :)

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