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I was feeling shy to say who it was though I am pretty sure Lisa already knows who that is

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I was feeling shy to say who it was though I am pretty sure Lisa already knows who that is. But I still gathered the courage and told her.

"It's Jin," I shyly reply.

The moment I uttered his name my cheeks started to burn like fire. This really is difficult to bare.

"I knew it! He is totally your type. Of course, this was bound to happen! I knew this coming! Yes!" Lisa says shaking me for getting over-excited.

"Woah woah there aren't you overjoyed?" I say getting a bit surprised by her sudden act.

She is looking crazy.

"Did something happen while you were away?" She asks looking at me curiously.

"Huh? What would happen? Nothing happened," I replied totally shrugging off the fact that actually, a lot happened.

I usually share everything that happens but these feelings and these moments are something that I wish to keep only to myself. I am not sure if it's the same for him but I cherish those little moments.

"Still! Tell me more! What made you realize?" She asks looking at me for a reply.

I told her about him coming to help me and let me stay with him. How he let me eat and didn't mind me being silly. How his little gesture at the mall touched me.

I didn't go into details because like I mentioned before I want to keep them to myself and besides I am very shy. Maybe some other time?

Lisa teases me for what happened but then smiles.

"He seems to care for you. I am glad you chose him. But what about Jungkook now? What about your date with the guy next Sunday?" She asks getting puzzled.

"I'll go to the date," she replies.

"Huh? Why? You know you like Jin then why?" Lisa asks getting more confused.

"I'm still not sure. I don't know what's making me get so confused. But I want to be sure of this. And for some reason, I feel like I'll realize that after the date," she says looking at Lisa.

Y/n knows Lisa isn't sure of her idea but she still approved of it.

"Well, you do you. If you want to go on the date then you should go," she says smiling. "Oh right. Remember today evening I had to leave for a moment?"

"Yes, what's about that?" She asks.

"The dress was just an excuse. I actually met someone on my way," Lisa says.

"Oh really? Who?" She asks.

"I met Namjoon today," Lisa replies.

"Is that so? Why did you lie then?" She asks crossing her arms genuinely curious.

"It was because I was embarrassed to say that in front of them," Lisa says scratching her nape.

"I see. You didn't have to you know? They won't judge you. Anyway, what did you talk about?" She asks.

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