A quick recap

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Ps: It's for the returning readers who forgot the storyline or almost forgot due to my slow-ass updates. Well, here you go! But if you know the story then you can just skip this part!

Short-cut: So Y/n and Lisa went to a sugar baby event. There Lisa met Namjoon. Y/n met Jin after he saved her twice. The next day Y/n finds out Lisa fell for Namjoon while the night meant nothing to him. Y/n again meet Jin because he came to give her phone back which she left at the event. They have a conversation about Lisa and Namjoon. They were planning to find out what Namjoon was up to. Later she goes to her workplace which is apparently run by Jungkook. He likes Y/n and Y/n also kind of started to see a spark in him. But she was confused as she seem to like Jin as well. She decides to go on a date with someone else to understand her feelings better. In the last part, Y/n and Jungkook were at a cafe talking.

(If you don't want it short then here's the chapter-wise summary. I tried to keep it as short as possible without leaving out important parts)

1. So Y/n's best friend is Lisa. Lisa and Y/n both lose their jobs. Lisa was upset about not getting any jobs. They were also scared because their landlord threatened to kick them out if they do not pay by the end of the week.

2. So the next day Lisa went to her friend for help to get a job. Lisa comes back after a long day in the evening. Y/n asks what was the occasion as Lisa was all dressed up. She said that she was attending a party.

3. She asks if Y/n would like to join her. Y/n refused but after Lisa insist a lot she agreed. After getting dressed Y/n asks Lisa how she looks. Lisa complimented her but Y/n got upset. Because that dress was a gift from her father. Lisa quickly changes the topic and insists that they should get going. After they were at the venue Y/n ask who held the party. Lisa said that it was Jungkook.

4. While they were at it Lisa finds her friend who was supposed to help her get a job. It was Jennie. She was very arrogant and rude towards them. Especially towards Y/n. She made fun of Y/n's dress to which Y/n strikes back. Jennie soon leaves because her sugar daddy Max was flirting with them, especially Y/n. After Jennie leaves Y/n expresses how pissed she felt and that she understood why Jennie was so arrogant. That was because she had a rich sugar daddy. That's when Lisa starts to get nervous. She told Y/n that the party they are at right now is a sugar baby event. Y/n was surprised because she thought it was just a regular party. 

5. Y/n wanted to leave because she didn't want to become a part of it. But Lisa insist she stays because she would feel nervous without her. An argument takes place and after mutual understanding, she agrees. But Y/n set some rules relating to her (Lisa's) sugar daddy. She can't introduce her sugar daddy to Y/n.  She can not discuss about him with her (Y/n). She can never take him to their dorm. Lisa agrees with the terms.

6. Later Y/n and Lisa were having a drink. Lisa noticed Namjoon. (From the Butter era with pink hair) Lisa goes to him to have a chat and they soon get comfy. Y/n moved her gaze for some seconds and then they were gone. Getting scared she starts to search for her because if she leaves without explaining to Lisa, Lisa might get scared. While she was searching for Lisa she bumped into someone. It was Kai (Exo). She excused saying she needs to go find her friend so he should let her go (He held her wrist and won't let go.) She said she has no time to joke around and he said he wasn't joking and that he really wants her.

7. Y/n of course gets scared. She insists a lot of times but he won't listen. Soon after he started to drag her, taking her to a private space while she was a crying mess who didn't know what to do. That's when the hero enters. It was Jin. He scolds Kai for his misbehaviour and asks Kai to apologize to Y/n. After he apologizes and leaves Y/n thanks Jin for helping her. He said that he helped her because he was impressed by her bravery, (When she tried to protect herself from Kai.) She again thank him for this. He then asks what Y/n meant by, "I'm not here for this." He asks if she could explain. She explained the situation about Lisa and how she didn't know that it was a sugar baby event. He was surprised at how easily she forgave Lisa. Later he introduces himself.

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