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"Taehyung what are you doing here?" Jin asked confusingly

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"Taehyung what are you doing here?" Jin asked confusingly.

"Hyung...what are you doing here?" He question back with a confused look on his face.

"I asked you first so answer me and then I'll answer you!" Jin said kind of getting annoyed

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"I asked you first so answer me and then I'll answer you!" Jin said kind of getting annoyed.

"Oh...sorry for that. Did you see Jimin today?" He asked worriedly.

" I haven't seen him since last night, why?" Jin asked confusingly.

"What?! Really?! What was he doing?!" He asked as his eyes lit up.

"Um...he was...drunk?...&...was flirting...with It was a weird scenario. You should've seen it too. But why was he drunk though?" Jin again asked confusingly.

"Do you remember Emily?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah, his sugar baby, right? What about her?" He again asked.

"Nothing happened to her but she stole everything from his house whatever she found & ran away," Taehyung shrugged.

"What?! I knew she was a thief! But why is he crying for her? Did he love her so much?" He asked with a concerned look.

"No, it's not like that. Actually, she also stole Jimin's favorite plushy & now he is really upset," He again shrugged.

"That girl! How dare she stole that special plushy that I gifted him on his birthday?! I'll track her and will punish her for this!" He said furiously.

"Um...a grown-up man likes plushies? And he is drunk because of that?" I asked him getting confused.

"Yes, do you have any problem with that?" Jin asked with a serious look.

"No...It's adorable! I love plushies too! I would like to meet him!" I said excitingly.

Jin made an look as if he wasn't expecting me to say that. But then he looked back at Taehyung.

"So are you looking for him so that you can give him sympathy? Taehyung, it's so sweet of you. Hyung is proud of you!" Jin said as he fake cried.

"No hyung, I'm not looking for him to give him sympathy. Instead, I'LL KILL HIM IF I FIND HIM!" He said in rage & anger.

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