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"Yah! Don't call me that!" Lisa yelled

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"Yah! Don't call me that!" Lisa yelled.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and asked, "Why not? Why are you even scared in the first place?

I mean, you're the one who brought me here, right? I should be the one who is scared, not you!" I replied looking at her in total disappointment.

"It's my first time here, come on!" She said whining like a baby.

"It's my first time too~" I said crossing my arms as I mock her.

"You're brave that's why! And I've no one else other than you so now please stay with me~" She again showed me her puppy eyes.

"Aish you and your puppy eyes! Fine!" I said giving up.

"Yay!" She said and started jumping like a kid.

For a while, Lisa and I were talking and drinking. I drank juice since I felt it was unsafe to get drunk here. Then suddenly Lisa noticed a handsome young man with pink hair.

"Y/n? Y/n?" Lisa whispered.

"What?" I whispered back.

"Look at that handsome man!" She whispered in excitement.

"You mean, the man in pink hair?" I asked.

"Yes!" She said in an excited tone.

"Um, He is handsome indeed," I replied agreeing with her.

"I know right?! I'm going to approach him!" She said and started walking in his direction.

I pulled her back and replied, "You sure about that?" I asked her, not so sure if that was a good idea.

"What do you mean? Of course, I'm really sure," she said flipping her hair back.

"But I don't think that he'll talk to you," I said as I eyed the pink-haired man.

"And why do you think so?" She crossed her arms while raising her eyebrows.

"I don't think that you're his type and you don't know how to impress men, so..." I shrug.

"What do you mean?" She asked again.

"Wasn't that clear? Then let me make it clear to you. YOU.CAN'T.IMPRESS.MEN!"

"What?! Of course, I can! You just don't know me well. Just wait and watch!"

"Okay! I'll see what you can do. Maybe it'll help me to get a boyfriend," I said nodding in a mocking way while taking sips from my drink.

"Huh! Just wait and watch!" She said and started walking toward him.

Just in a blink of a second, I saw them talking and laughing.

"They are looking cute together, to be honest. She sure has the charm. I mean, it didn't take her a lot to start a conversation. I wonder what they are talking about though," I mumble to myself as I rest my chin on my palm.

I sigh and looked away for a moment and the next second when I look back at the place where they were talking I got surprised.

"What the hell! How did they just disappear in seconds?!" I whispered as I got panicked. "I've to find Lisa. If I leave from here without any trace she would get worried."

Just by saying that I started to walk here and there, looking for Lisa. While in my walking session, I bumped into someone, probably a man. I looked up to see who it is.

"Are you lost baby girl?" He asks.

Eww?  That's all which came to my mind

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Eww?  That's all which came to my mind. I cringed in 7,100 languages. I just ignored him and started walking again but he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Excuse me, Mister, let me go. I'm looking for my friend," I said trying to free my hand from his grip but failed.

"Sorry baby girl but it won't work," he said smirking.

"What do you want?" I ask in annoyance.

"You," he whispered in a raspy voice that gave me the chills.

"What?! Stop joking I've to go," I again tried to free myself but again failed.

"Does it look like I'm joking? I really want you," he said in a cold tone making me shiver.



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