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Now, that is something that made my heart skip. He sounded so...serious. What is so different about me?

Nothing. Nothing is different about me. I'm just like any other human being that exists. Then why it's an exception when it comes to me?

Many questions were running through my head. But why do I care? Maybe he said that cause I'm his friend. It also makes sense as he is sweet to his other friends as well.

And here I'm overthinking...again. Stop it Y/n. You're not special.

Though Lisa did say she has this feeling Jungkook likes me which made me get a bit...confused? But...I'm not really sure how to feel about that.

I'm very much confused and that's why I agreed to go on a date with that guy. So that I can understand these types of feelings more clearly.

"Means I'm special," I said sarcastically as I chuckled.

"You don't know, but you are," he replied, showing a soft smile.

What he said kind of made me get zoned out. I was trying to process as to how should I reply. But I couldn't help but overthink even more than I already am.

But he helped me get out by clearing his throat.

"I think we should keep on walking," he says.

"Hm," I replied humming along with a nod.

Soon after we were outside a very elegant-looking cafe

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Soon after we were outside a very elegant-looking cafe. The interior design looked very modern and eye-catching yet being so simple.

As we went in Jungkook offered me to sit at the table near the window. I must say the view is very much mesmerizing.

"This cafe is very beautiful," I complimented.

"I know. Yoongi hyung is into these types of styles," he replied casually.

"Yoongi?" I asked in a tone that sounded like I know that person.

"Yes, do you know him?" He asked.

"'s just that name reminds me of someone," I replied and sighed.

"Oh really? But I thought you know every friend of mine. Cause you knew Taehyung hyung before I even introduced you to him."

"Yeah but I haven't met this Yoongi person," I replied.

"I see. Well, he isn't here today. He says he is a bit busy with something. If he was here I must've insisted him on meeting you."

I chuckled, "Do not need to insist. If he is your friend then I might meet him at least once."

"True. Well, what you'd like to have?" He asked.

"Regular coffee."

He nods and orders one of the waitresses. What made me chuckle was to get free drinks he flirted with the waitress.

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