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"What?! Excuse me?" I ask as my eyes grew widen in pure shock

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"What?! Excuse me?" I ask as my eyes grew widen in pure shock.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I meant I don't need gifts. It'll be more than enough if only you show up," he said, clearing his throat. I was lost for a while. Glad she didn't find it suspicious. He sighs.

"Anyway, you were saying something?" He asks.

"Ah right. Actually, it's a bit odd so I prefer not to say now," I said as I look down hesitatingly.

If I tell him now how will he react? Will he be mad? Or will he be happy for me?

Most probably he will be happy. Because I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to make it obvious that he likes me.

But does he really?

"Um, Y/n?" He called, making me come out of my daze.

"Yes?" I ask, finally facing him.

"Why are you sipping on your empty cup?" He asked a bit confusingly.

The moment he pointed that out I also noticed my empty cup. I felt a bit embarrassed and he seem to notice that too.

"You don't need to be embarrassed just cause of that,"  he said, showing his bunny smile.

"Ah, I was in deep thought and didn't notice that my cup was empty," I chuckled.

"Such stuff actually happens to me quite a lot," he laughs.

He looks so innocent when he laughs.

Why am I noticing so much about him all of a sudden? It's so confusing.

" I thought I'd tell you later but I've now changed my mind. I'll tell you now," I smile.

"Yes, please. I'm all ears for you," he says leaning over.

"Someone asked me out on a date," I said.

"And did you agree to go?" He asks curiously.


The moment I said so his expression changed. He looked cold and more serious.

"Why? I-I mean don't go," he says.

For some reason, my heart skipped a beat.

"Huh? Why?" I ask as I couldn't understand his behaviour.

"T-That day our cafe is busy! Yes...busy! So you should skip," he says.

"But Jungkook..."


"I still haven't told you when is the date..."

"Either way the cafe is busy so you should skip!"

"But-" I couldn't complete.

"Are you talking back to your boss now huh?" He looks at me in disbelief.

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